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  1. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    thats what the pet store told me to do
  2. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    way too much i take it?
  3. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    is it possible that i put too much salt in? i put 5.6 lbs in
  4. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    husband is getting me a 110 gallon for christmas. will you tell me steps to get it started so i dont make same mistake again?
  5. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    thank you. should i go ahead and put living sand in it now also?
  6. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    oh ok so i will take fish back today and just let water cycle for about another month before adding anything?
  7. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    put cc in then put water in. waited 1 week and put rock in and a damsel.waited 1 week and put royal gramma and pajama in. damsel was mean to other fish so i gave it back to fish store. it was still healthy. now its about 1 week later and fish are dying and white things appeared about 4 days ago.
  8. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    pouring directly in tank
  9. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    looks like they are just floating around
  10. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    have bio wheel. where can i get living sand? what is living sand?
  11. nice nurse

    white stuff floating in tank..please help me

    white things floating in water none on fish
  12. nice nurse

    white stuff floating in tank..please help me is 8.4 nitrite is 0 nitrate is 20 amonia is .5
  13. nice nurse

    newbe needs help

    I have a 30 gallon tank. whisper filter and bio filter. singlew bulb 50/50 light. crushed corral in bottom. living rock with stuff growing on it. royal gramma and pajama fish, but pajama fish is about dead. small white dot looking things floating all through tank. rock has turned orange in some...
  14. nice nurse


    I am new at this. I have a 30 gallon tank. I used faucet water. have wisper filter. Have bio filter. tests ran are ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. ph is at 8.4. ammonia is .5 nitrite is 0. nitrate is at 20. I have a royal gramma and a pajama fish but the pajama is about dead. there is white dot...
  15. nice nurse

    white stuff floating in tank..please help me

    I have small white dot looking things all through my tank and everything is dying any ideas?
  16. nice nurse


    I am new at saltwater. Myfish are dying. I tested the water and everything is fine. dont know what to do. All help is welcome