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    The Top 40.................

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid What if we gave these so called "job creators" the tax breaks they want, but set up a government entity to oversee that they actually take that money and use it to create jobs, as opposed to lining their own pockets? I'm generally left learning, but if...
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    You just can't fix stupid

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 That's sad. There was a kid up in NY somewhere by the name of Adolf Hitler.... The bakery there refused to make his birthday cake that read "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" I mean - c'mmon, it's the boys name for crying out loud. Anyways... here's something...
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    High School

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff In my brother's case my mom tried to get them to waive the Gym requirement and they wouldn't. My brother didn't have what you'd call a good attendance record in any of his classes. His junior year I think it was one of his teachers told the class "We have a...
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    High School

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff I graduated (1977) at the low ebb. The following year they started increasing the requirements. We had to have 1 year math, 1 year of English, 3 years of Social Studies/History/government and 4 years of Physical Education, go figure. My brother didn't...
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    High School

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm That's good to hear. My daughter is studying to be a Elementary school teacher, and she's stated that once she gets 3 - 5 years of teaching experience, she plans to move up to the NY area to teach there. Make sure she really studies the job market first...
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    High School

    Teachers here in NY, and specifically on Long Island, get paid ridiculous salaries. Not uncommon for them to start at around 40K-50K and get 10% guarenteed raises every single year. I personally know a number of teachers who get insane pay.... High school gym teacher with about 10 years...
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    World Trade Center Freedom Tower

    Yeah, a lot of material to clear out of there and a lot of provisions to make on the ground floor before they could even get started. I'm glad that they are building a new one now. 2015 sounds so far off... lol I guess they will start working on the second tower when the first one is...
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    World Trade Center Freedom Tower

    Quote: Originally Posted by Siptang WOW that's so awesome! I didn't even know that they started building already. Extremely impressive to say the least. Took them almost 10 years to get started but they are cranking along now.
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    World Trade Center Freedom Tower

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice Here is a time lapse video of the construction to date: I've seen the video before. Very cool but not the same as seeing the new tower become a fixture of the new NYC...
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    World Trade Center Freedom Tower

    Snapped these pics as I drove past the tower about 2 weeks ago. Not done yet, but its already the tallest building in NYC
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    Any small biz owners out there have a good credit card processing system?

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid I often wonder how McDonalds and Wendy's do it when they have 200 people a day rolling through getting a $1 sweet tea or a McDouble for a buck, and putting it on their card. That has to get expensive on fees I would think... They probably have a deal...
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    how to die

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower LOL...If you tried to go skydiving at that age...the men in the white suites won't let you.
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    Come November, I'm voting Republican across the board! Who's with me?!?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Mike Bloomberg is the one person I can think of that would have a shot. I could never support the clown but...... The libertarians could make a major impact by jumping back into the Republican party. If social issues are at least minimized the Republicans...
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    Does anyone else find it curious that "our" Gov't is buying so much ammo for domestic use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm When was NY ever safe? Like some white boy goes walking through Harlem late at night. I remember getting warned about walking around certain areas of Quenns and the Bronx. That's OK. We have plenty of our own. We'll end up with most of the one's in NY...
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    Does anyone else find it curious that "our" Gov't is buying so much ammo for domestic use?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Obama has been pushing his Dream Act initiative for years. Congress kept shutting it down, ergo the Executive Order. I honestly haven't seen many polls as to whose for or against it. Immigrants serve a specific purpose in regards to the manual/labor...
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    Any Crafters Out There?

    Quote: Originally Posted by rlablan I've been to the renaissance fair... Does that count?? Hahahahahahaha jk... Its how I got started in the hobby! Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW And people call us Star Wars fans geeks....... Darth (I built a lightsaber) Tang No one is arguing that...
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    Any Crafters Out There?

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 How are they any different or more weird than people who do Civil War Re-enactments?! Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Maybe because they REALLY get into the act. The attention to detail even how to speak right is all important to the feel of actually...
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    My dog has lost his mind

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef Not to sound crazy but I think dogs can see ghosts/spirits... sometimes they are scary... sometimes they want to play.. My moms house was built on an Indian Burial when we visited her they would freak out in the house a few times... Poltergeist...
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    Any small biz owners out there have a good credit card processing system?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Depends on the state and the processor. There is a gas station I frequent. They have three prices for fuel, one based on cash, one based on debit, and another based on credit card transaction. It used to be in violation of most contracts 10 years ago...
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    Any Crafters Out There?

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 That is super interesting! Thank you so so much for sharing, it was really interesting to read/research. Slippery Rock PA is about a 6 hour drive away, unfortunately. A historic re-enactment, but about the Civil War, takes place in Gettysburg, PA, about...