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  1. jillian ayers

    Disappearing fish

    This message is more to rant than for advice, since I already know what happened to them. Two of my fish, a Ram and a molly (both very fat and healthy) have disappeared without a trace within a few weeks of each other. I searched everywhere, the filter, around the tank, in the tank, no sign. So...
  2. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    I highly doubt that it's a piece of dirt because these orbs only show up at night and only will show up in every one out of ten pictures taken, and never in the same place, or at the same size. Our new thermostat has the temperature on it that we want it to be (which it never is :mad: ) and a...
  3. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    jlem, hehe :D Last night, I kept complaining that the apartment was freezing and the temp was (according to our brand new thermostat) at 80. Then I started playing around with my boyfriend and he thought it was funny and started taking pics. PLEASE IGNORE MY STUPID LOOK, WE WERE PLAYING AROUND...
  4. jillian ayers


    Ok, I have called every fish store within a 20 mile radius and have searched the internet completely for anyone who sells bogwood. I wish sold it! Can anybody tell me who sells bogwood? I'm moving my growing Oscar from the 20 gallon into the 75 since I don't have the money to set it up...
  5. jillian ayers

    Hello SWF !

    Hey! Welcome to the board! Feel free to ask all the questions you want, we've always got someone who knows something here!
  6. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  7. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  8. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  9. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  10. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  11. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  12. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

  13. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    Here are Melody's pics:
  14. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    Melody, I can take and resize your pics to put here... is that ok with you?
  15. jillian ayers


    BTW, here is a picture of my Oscar
  16. jillian ayers


    Hmmm... that's odd. I have an Oscar and he is probably the least dirty of all of my fish. My loach will dig in anything and everything. What plants I do put in the tank with the loach will be floating after a very short period of time. My turtle is horrible! This of course, is why he is in t he...
  17. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    Which one? The one with Snow Dust climbing the screen door (again :mad: ) or the one with Tora in the laundry basket?
  18. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    My question is: if it's dust in side the lens, then how come they're not in most pictures, only every 1 in ten or so, and how come whent hey are in pictures, they're in different places? I sent these pictures to a few different places that deal in hte paranormal, all of them said it looked like...
  19. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    Something weird, my apartment is located near three graveyards (thanks to the 1900 hurricane), and Galveston is apparently one of the more haunted cities boasting what some people call the single most haunted area in America. Thankfully, that one area of Galveston is not where I live...
  20. jillian ayers

    Ot: I just had to know

    I started to think that too until we came up with this picture adn a couple others like it