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  1. theappe3

    Want to trade In S. florida

    alright will do. do you have anything i might possibly want to $$ off you??
  2. theappe3

    Zoas dont open??

    I've recently aquired some really nice zoas, thing is that they havent opened up ever since I bought them. Ive even tried an iodine bath. Any takers on this situation?
  3. theappe3

    Suncoral recovery

    How long do you think it will take to recover a suncoral by feeding mysis?
  4. theappe3

    My AP 24 HQI 150...

    Looking good. Nice pictures also!
  5. theappe3

    Want to trade In S. florida

    Sorry. They are gone :-/
  6. theappe3

    Iodine dip ???

  7. theappe3

    Iodine dip ???

    Once I finish doing an iodine dip on corals is it safe to put that water back into the display or should I throw that water out?? Thanks for any help.
  8. theappe3

    time for more top downs!

    thats some good looking sps!
  9. theappe3

    call me exited, but...

    man you have the best aquascaping. Def unique!
  10. theappe3

    WTB Zoas in S. Florida

    Like the title says. WTB Zoas in s. florida.
  11. theappe3

    Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

    well im sure you can stay in the race. you still have zoos left.
  12. theappe3

    are actinics necessary??

    i believe they are a little bit of both. They are necessary due to the spectrum of light that they cover and also because the actinics make all the flourecent color in the tank pop out.
  13. theappe3

    My AP 24 HQI 150...

    dang nice pics!
  14. theappe3

    pink algae forming

    prob cyano bacteria, which is bad.
  15. theappe3

    Palythoas or Manjo or other ID Help

    why a "sleeper"?
  16. theappe3

    Palythoas or Manjo or other ID Help

  17. theappe3

    my two finds for the day

    pics should be good :)
  18. theappe3

    shroom fragging

    you need to detach and then cut and then paste :)
  19. theappe3

    Taking pics.

    yeah it has a macro mode. but i cant seem to get good qual pics from macro mode ??
  20. theappe3

    zoas for sale

    yeah.... how much?