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  1. greysin


    how do you feed your anemone? what tools do you use?
  2. greysin

    anemone question

    i have a lta, and was wondering how long i should leave the lights on, aqua lunar light 130 watt, currently i leave the light on for 10 hours, then lunar the rest of the day in my 30 gallon tank ( 30x12x19 ) in and would this make a big difference an aqualight Advanced Series HQI Metal Halide...
  3. greysin

    WTB: 90 gallon tank, near NJ area

    send here
  4. greysin

    WTB: 90 gallon tank, near NJ area

    can we see some pictures
  5. greysin

    WTB: 90 gallon tank, near NJ area

    Sorry just looking for a tank and stand for a decent price
  6. greysin

    WTB: 90 gallon tank, near NJ area

    WTB: 90 gallon tank, new or used hopefully with a stand near upstate NJ area also looking for cheap live rock
  7. greysin

    water parameters

    what is the limit (water parameters, lighting, water flow, etc) for keeping mushroom corals. i heard mushrooms are easier to keep. ty
  8. greysin

    30 gallon reef

    I currently have a 30 gallon tank with roughly 15 pounds of live rock. Current inhabitants 2 clowns ( i think 1 true and 1 false) less than 1" each 3 chromis less than 1" each Any suggestions on what else i can add to my tank Maybe a shrimp need feed back plz