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  1. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    im going to the LFS today so i can get me some fish food and i'll probably get me a test kit so i can start testing my water.
  2. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    ok thanks for the advice and hopefully tomorrow i will be getting shrimp to put in the tank so the cycle can hrry up and start lol
  3. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    no i dont but i will get one soon and is there a certain temp. i should keep the tank at?
  4. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    well i guess im gona have to hurry up and add the shrimp, its hard having to wait. do you think i should add a heater? i felt the water the other day and it felt a bit cold
  5. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    Quote: Originally Posted by TeresaQ Looks nice. I like that rock. What is that attached to the rock on the side. looks like an anemone??? T thanks and no its not a anemone its just a part of the rock, but after looking at the pic it does kind of looks like one
  6. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    thanks for the advice and do you know about how long it will be before i can add any corals?
  7. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    here are my pics now do i need to do anything for the cycle to begin or do i just leave it alone?
  8. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    well today i finally get to go get all the stuff i need for my tank so when i get back home i will put up some before and after pics so everyone can see. thanks for all the help everyone has given me
  9. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    well i got my tank so im very excited about that and i wont have time to put any pics up today but tommorrow i will and i will also be getting my live rock, saltwater, and sand tommorrow.
  10. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    the tank is suppose to come in either thurs. or fri. so i am going to go get water, sand, and live rock on friday. Now should i leave the light off while the tank cycles or should i turn it on? and for about how long should i leave the tank alone before i add any corals?
  11. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    yea as soon as i get my tank i will start putting up pics
  12. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    thank you, i just wanted to know because my tank is coming this week and i wanted to know what kind of corals they were so when i make it to the LFS i know what to look for
  13. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    can someone tell me what kind of corals are in this tank and if it is possible to put them in this tank, i am going to add some white and blue leds to the tank so i dont know if that will help or not.
  14. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    yea i'm going to make sure I wait for the tank to do the full cycle before I put any corals in. On my last tank i didn't and I ended up regretting it so yea im going just start slow.
  15. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    thanks for the help, I'll probably try some zoas and mushrooms first and then i'll see what else i can get.
  16. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    Thank you for that bit of information, I used to have a tank with fish and no coral and now i want to start a coral only tank but im just not too sure on what corals would do good in my new tank.
  17. azmustang

    Finnex 4 gallon

    I am going to buy the Finnex 4 gallon tank with the white and blue bulb. Now what I want to know is what would be some good corals to put into the tank. I'm wanting for the tank to have lots of colors, so any help will be very appreciated.