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  1. balibaby

    Hair Algae- still fighting

    i had really bad hair algea like whats going on in your tank and when i replaced my crushed coral with a very fine sand a lot of it went away. i have some in the tank now but i think that is because i probably am over feeding since i have added a sun polyp to the tank. i found out that...
  2. balibaby

    new black sun polyps

    sorry the pic isnt very boyfriend has the good camera in europe right now this is right before feeding so none of the heads are out. once i get the camera back ill put pix of both out feeding. ive made up a nice feeding contraption with a cup and holes in it, then using a syringe...
  3. balibaby

    new black sun polyps

    thanks..ill try to get that mushroom off...its splitting right now so maybe that will make it a little easier to entice off...
  4. balibaby

    new black sun polyps

    so i found a colony of black sun polyps today at a fish store for very cheap :cheer: (couldnt resist)...i have other orange sun polyps but i have a question for anyone that is really good at feeding theirs. does the coral mind being moved around? ive read a lot from a lot of people who put it...
  5. balibaby

    White fuzz?

    so i got a small fragment of montipora at the store the other day...(the girl was confused and ended up giving me it for free )...but after a day it went from its purpleish gray color to a white first i thought maybe its polyps were out, but nwo looking at it im not sure if its dying...
  6. balibaby

    clownfish question

    its a 50 gallon.
  7. balibaby

    clownfish question

    so i have two false perculla clownfish and i was trying to figure out if i could get a couple more. i know if u add other species they get touchy and kill the new commer but do they accept one of their own? anyone have some experience?
  8. balibaby

    Lonley clownfish?

    the water is all good...nitrates 0, ammonia 0, pH 8.0-8.2, calcium is good, phosphates might be a little high but i havnt tested that (some hair algae), after the first died i installed a uv sterilizer, so hopefully that will kill anything that might have caused it to die. everything else in...
  9. balibaby

    Lonley clownfish?

    so i bought two clownfish from the same stock at a store and a few weeks later the smaller one looked a little sick and died, after that the other one stoped eating and just kinda swam in the corners. didnt look sick at all, and didnt anything like the smaller one did, but he died this morning...
  10. balibaby

    New Live rock question (apstasia)

    use vinegar, inject it with a needle and syringe...they explode. almost satisfying to watch
  11. balibaby

    Question about yellow tang

    it has 190 watts PC with night LED. The tang i had for about 2 weeks.
  12. balibaby

    Question about yellow tang

    I was hoping someone might be able to help me. I found my yellow tang dead this afternoon when i got home from work. The water is fine, SG is 1.025 and nitrates and ph are great (just checked them last night). He looks like he was fine and was swimming around this morning when I walked passed...