New Live rock question (apstasia)



Hello all, i stopped by my LFS last night to check out his live rock. He had a lot rock that had small coral hitch hickers as well. The only problem was that it also had a lot of apstasia on it. He said we could pick rock with the fewest and just rip the remaining apstasia off. Would this work? Or should i order form I want to start cyclying my tank this weekend so i would like your opinons on this. The store is a saltwater only store and he seems to be very knoledgeable he only sets up aquariums with live rock and live sand in them. Any suggestions? Do i get the rock that i know has apstsia on it?


You can rip them off but a few will probably remain. I would just add a few peppermint shrimp after you cycle. They will eat any that remain and keep your tank apastia free. They are fun to watch and clean up any left over food.


Joe's juice works pretty good at killing them if you rip them off and even a little bit remains it will just grow back.


Active Member
Squirting them with boiling water through a Turkey Baster workes extremely well too. Did it just last night.


They will come right back if you just rip them off. Use Joes Juice and they'll be gone for good. They will take over the whole tank if you don't get rid of them.