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  1. salt chick27

    29 Gallon Diary! New Pics

    Here are some new pics of the tank. Added a few additions, let me know what you think. Brain Mushrooms Full tank shot you can see my wrasse a little under those red mushrooms
  2. salt chick27

    29 Gallon Diary! New Pics

    I know its a bacteria, it is a pain in the butt. I've been reading up on it like crazy. Its dying off I've been doing the water changes and blowing it off the rocks too. Luckily theres not to much coral in there yet at all and I don't plan on putting anything in there until it's gone.
  3. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    Ok I'll def have to check it out that doesn't sound complicated at all. I see all these special made hoods and everything for tanks. It looks amazing but not something I could pull off.
  4. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    I never had an issue with my tank all the years it was set up. I wouldn't mind a light upgrade as long as its easy enough for me to do myself I'd definetly give it a go messing around with attachments and stuff like that makes me nervous I always feel like I'm gonna screw it up or not do it...
  5. salt chick27

    29 Gallon Diary! New Pics

    Heres a few pics of the tank, still fighting some red slime algea but its getting betteran better, no fish yet I want to get all the algea and everything under control first. Theres a few inverts in there an arrow crab to he's still pretty small. The pics arent the best but its something. n...
  6. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    How would I go about putting the T5HO lights on a 29 gallon nano? I prefer having the lid because I have a cat and his hair tends to get in it if the lid isn't down. Is there a website I could get them from or do most fish stores carry that?
  7. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    Its jsut the stock lighting, I wouldn't mind upgrading I never got around to it last time the tank was set up, Honestly I didnt feel like the tank needed it. I was very happy with the way everything was and never had any problems when it came to the lighting. Then again I never had any coral in...
  8. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    I dont know why I never joined before I should have but just never did. The new tank ia the same one its a 29 gallon nano, just the stock lighting an everything I never upgraded any of its features. I'll probley end up doing something similar in the new setup just soft corals an some easy to...
  9. salt chick27

    Back in the game after close to a year out, new to the forum!

    In all the year my tank was set up I never had a desire to get a clown, theres just so many other fish to chose from. I had some pj cardinals, I've thought about some chromies I heard damsels lose their clolr as they age I'm not sure if theres any truth to that I cant recall if I ever saw a...
  10. salt chick27

    Back in the game after close to a year out, new to the forum!

    I haven't completely decided, I loved my old tank and will probley end up doing something similar, I'm very much open to suggestions. So far there's a red mushroom rock, some daisy polyps an a small Kenya tree frag in the new tank so far. Any fish suggestions for a 29 gallon nano?
  11. salt chick27

    New to the forum (pic)

    I've stalked the boards for years and finally decided to join! I had my tank setup for 4 years and sadly had to take it down. I'm now settled an able to set it up again, its been about 5 weeks and all cycled. Heres a few pic of the old tank enjoy!
  12. salt chick27

    Back in the game after close to a year out, new to the forum!

    I'm new to the forum I've been stalking it for years an finally decide to join! I had a 29 gallon nano setup up for 4 years then had to take it down. After close to a year I'm finally able to set it back up! Its been 5 weeks since the setup an the tank is fully cycled an ready for some fish. I'm...