Back in the game after close to a year out, new to the forum!

salt chick27

New Member
I'm new to the forum I've been stalking it for years an finally decide to join! I had a 29 gallon nano setup up for 4 years then had to take it down. After close to a year I'm finally able to set it back up! Its been 5 weeks since the setup an the tank is fully cycled an ready for some fish.
I'm very excited to finally be apart of the forum!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the boards!!!! I hope you enjoy your stay. I saw a pic of your old tank. It was pretty. So, what are your plans for the new tank?

salt chick27

New Member
I haven't completely decided, I loved my old tank and will probley end up doing something similar, I'm very much open to suggestions. So far there's a red mushroom rock, some daisy polyps an a small Kenya tree frag in the new tank so far.
Any fish suggestions for a 29 gallon nano?


Well-Known Member
Oddball small clowns are my favorite - I am tired of the ole' standards - tomatoes, ocellaris, percula. I like the picassos, snowflakes, wyoming whites, black ice, etc. But, mind you, they are pricy.
A pair of neon gobies is a favorite of mine. I also like bicolor blennies for a little extra movement and perching. Then, you could get a lemonpeel angel for a flash of yellow. Just depends on what you like.
As far as corals go, it sounds like you really like soft corals. Stick with them - they are cool little things. Zoanthids, mushrooms, xenia, blue anthellia, kenyas and colts - other leathers, ... daisy polyps, green queen star polyps, ... anything under the sun. LOL.
Grow, frag, sell. :D

salt chick27

New Member
In all the year my tank was set up I never had a desire to get a clown, theres just so many other fish to chose from. I had some pj cardinals, I've thought about some chromies I heard damsels lose their clolr as they age I'm not sure if theres any truth to that I cant recall if I ever saw a fully matured damsel. I never thought of a lemon peel angel, I always stayed away from angel fish just to be safe.
I am a fan of soft corals! Theres beauty in simplicity the craziest I got with coral was a very nice brain coral it did so well in my tank I was quite surprised.