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  1. habieb

    Clown Problems

    Oh, ok thanks I was a little worried.
  2. habieb

    Clown Problems

    Hi, I recently purhcased two False Percula Clowns. I got them on tuesday. They seemed fine at first they aclimated nicley they were both eating well. The Big one picked on the little one a bit but for the most part everything was peachy. Now the bigger ones spends most of his time swiming...
  3. habieb

    Brittle Star

    He does usually have a arm or two sticking out from behind a rock. I have not seem him grab any food out of the water that came by, usually he just misses it. I will try the flashlight and pellet advice. Thanks Again
  4. habieb

    Eating Bubbles

    Thanks everyone for the input. I have turned off the buble wall and my clown seems to be a lot calmer as well.
  5. habieb

    Brittle Star

    Awesome Thanks for the prompt reply. So do you know how I will know if I have to manaully feed him anything? I would hate for him to starve to death while I thought he was eating left over food.
  6. habieb

    Brittle Star

    I just bought a brittle star. What do I feed him? I gave him some chooped crab when I first got him but now he dosen't seem to want to eat it. I fed him 3 days ago is it possible he is just not hungry. The only reason I thought he may be hungry is when I put food in for my clown he starts waving...
  7. habieb

    Eating Bubbles

    Hi, I have just bought a Ocellaris Clownfish. He seems to be doing ok. However everyday when I come home from work he is swiming in all of the bubbles created by a bubble wall at the back of my tank. It looks to me like he is trying to eat the bubbles. Is this bad for him? Thanks Much