Clown Problems


New Member
Hi, I recently purhcased two False Percula Clowns. I got them on tuesday. They seemed fine at first they aclimated nicley they were both eating well. The Big one picked on the little one a bit but for the most part everything was peachy. Now the bigger ones spends most of his time swiming rapidly against the glass. I suspected parasites or ICH but there are no visible signs. He looks normal other than the unusual swiming patterns. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this or what I should do?
Thanks In advance.


Active Member
I also have a pair of ocellaris clowns. I've noticed that the bigger of the two (who happens to be the female--the smaller one is always the male :)) likes to swim against the glass every so often. I think she just might like seeing her own reflection. :)


Staff member
Yes, probably seeing her reflection and thinking it is another clown.