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  1. steve&kim

    Our new BTA-wilts & comes back again?

    Hi Thomas, We have a finger leather and a cabbage leather plus 2 feather dusters. These all are doing well. We still want to add more, but not sure what ones yet. Thanks, Kim
  2. steve&kim

    Our new BTA-wilts & comes back again?

    What would be the best but least expensive lighting for us to keep our corals & BTA happy w/o needing a chiller?:notsure: Kim
  3. steve&kim

    Our new BTA-wilts & comes back again?

    Thank you so much for your input. We have fed it twice so far, but never actually see it eat. I just woke up (7:00 a.m.) to find it doing it again. I'll run some more tests today. I'll try to take before & after pictures of it, if I can get the clown off of it long enough to get a few good...
  4. steve&kim

    Our new BTA-wilts & comes back again?

    :help: We just got our first Rose bubble tip on Saturday. So far it has wilted on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, but it comes back after about 2- 3 hours of looking aweful each time. When it comes back it looks great. It never loses it's color, but we notice a brown substance coming from it's...