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  1. mafiea

    Kalkwaser in top off

    I've had this jug for 6 months and it works great. I have a black shut off valve to regulate the drip - night
  2. mafiea


    Refugium for my 150
  3. mafiea

    Kalkwaser in top off

    1 Gallon Motts apple juice jug.
  4. mafiea

    150 Saltwater tank.

  5. mafiea

    150 Saltwater tank.

    Thanks for the replys. There is no powder blue tang its a naso, & no the rock is not glued they are stacked like the game Jenga Very carefully Its been like that since 6-10-05 a few have fallen but like everything else its part of the maintenance. :scared:
  6. mafiea

    150 Saltwater tank.

    150 Saltwater tank.
  7. mafiea

    My 150 Gallon Reef Tank

    Thank you :happyfish
  8. mafiea

    new picture Of 150

    Thank you.
  9. mafiea

    post full tank pics

    My 150 mega flow. 7 months old.
  10. mafiea

    new picture Of 150

    ya, Started with egg crate as support on glass then sand then all the rock, finally water, It took some time before i got this set up right.
  11. mafiea

    new picture Of 150

    The tank its self, I did not build myself. The tank is a mega flow 150 the entire install was done by me. for fish i have 1-Naso Tang, 1-Foxface, 1-Rostertail Flounder, 1-Yellow Maron Clown Fish,1-Cromis ,1-Lawnmower Blenny, 1-Yellow Tail Damsel ,3-stripe Damsel, 2 Dominos, 1-Blue Damsel & a...
  12. mafiea

    Please post refugium pics with skimmers

    I made this one myself from a kit that i bought on line. It works great for my 150 reef tank.
  13. mafiea

    new picture Of 150

    Thank you its been active for about 7 months now.
  14. mafiea

    My 150 Gallon Reef Tank

    My Reef tank has been active since 6-5-05 to present day 1-22-06.
  15. mafiea

    new picture Of 150

    This is my 150 gallon Mega Flow reef tank that i installed myself. Tank sits 43" AFF 29" Hight 18" Width 72" Long. About 300 pounds of rock.
  16. mafiea

    brown bubble film on my flower pot

    :thinking: thanks for the reply but my flower pot died i have 2 more but will that brown scum get on them? i hope not :confused:
  17. mafiea

    brown bubble film on my flower pot

    :notsure: my flower pot is growing this brown bubble all over what can it be? Can anyone help? is it dying or reproducing itself?
  18. mafiea

    my sfe

    my sfe was bought for one simple reasson to eat my pepperment shrimp, i had four but they all started to eat every thing that seemed weak and in a 55 gallon they attaked everything i was able to catch 2 of the shrimp and put them in my sump well bad move they shoot out hundreds of shrimp some...
  19. mafiea

    Anyone have a Snowflake eel in a community tank?

    PS:My ell likes to eat frozen shrimp and he tears the shrimp up in a few seconds. ive had snowflake for about 1 month . :D
  20. mafiea

    Anyone have a Snowflake eel in a community tank?

    I have a 55 gallon with 6 cromies 1 damzel 1 tang 1 clown and now 1 snowflake ell that is about 5" long and cool to watch, soon they will all be transferd into my new 150 mega flow tank, cant wait :cheer: