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  1. bheron


    ah! touche. good point. just did.
  2. bheron


    yea, i refreshed. nothings coming through. try sending an email to
  3. bheron


    darn! no emails are coming through my hotmail?? now i'm REALLY gettin paranoid!!! :nervous: I'll keep checkin!
  4. bheron


    still hasnt come in. guess hotmail is slow...
  5. bheron


    probably not as juicy as it sounds, but worth discussing.
  6. bheron


    Can a moderator please email me to discuss offline, since the topic i'm trying to post is not suitable for this forum? i think being on this forum since Oct 2002 at least warrants a response. thanks
  7. bheron's up?

    since i started this i have to come back and update it... strangely enough, as soon as I started this post, I havent had one single issue!! maybe its the posting gods?
  8. bheron

    Latest on GARF?

    Anyone share their experiences on GARF lately? I did a search and found most threads from 2002.
  9. bheron

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    good stuff, bang! as usual! :rolleyes:
  10. bheron's up?

    strange...since i posted this thread i havent noticed any problems with the site!!
  11. bheron

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    PS- beth, the two examples you mentioned (DSB, salt mix) specifically deal with marine aquariums. this topic is about a specific species existing outside of its natural habitat, regardless if its in a reef aquarium or a jar of saltwater.
  12. bheron

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    I never said everything he says is right. nobody is ever 100% correct. nobody is never contradicted. but I think the below would be enough to classify anyone as an expert and well-respected. I wonder how many of the experts on this forum have anything like the below to their credit? the...
  13. bheron

    ID Help

    interesting. i think they're beautiful. they've been slowly appearning more an more but since my tank is new (3-4mos) i just assumed the were "establishing". but i wouldn't doubt the excess nutrients either!
  14. bheron

    ID Help

    Havent gotten a clear pic yet with my camera, but i will.... in the meantime, these little "worms" i guess have been appearing on my LR (marshall island). they look like red feather dusters. they have a white casing that's on the oustide of the rock and little red fans that extend outside of...
  15. bheron

    Refugium Uses

    kip- that's a great use for the fuge that i have yet to hear! no corals yet but someday i'll use that tip. i love my fuge (even though its a rubbermaid and hard to see anything inside it). i've had my tank up for about 4 months now and, since its cycled after the 1st month, trates have been...
  16. bheron's up?

    blackomne, I could see it being a browser version issue on my end. aarone, not my company's server since i can hit other sites with no problem during the same time. funny - since i mentioned it this am its been lightning quick! we'll see. i'm perdy sure it'll slow down soon.
  17. bheron

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    I understand. Personally I havent found that yet but I dont doubt it. Everyone has critics. But not everyone has his experience and credentials to back it up.
  18. bheron's up?

    could be. but i can be on other web pages at the same time and they all work fine. i'm pretty sure its just an SWF capacity issue. i do know its a very easy way to quickly lose users on your web site. could be deadly.
  19. bheron

    Extra!! “Mexican Turbos not for reef tanks”?

    Daniel411, i'm not sure what you mean. Is your point to question the Dr Shimek is not a well respected industry expert or that there are people that contradict what he says?
  20. bheron's up?

    PS - its just find and dandy now. wasnt earlier, and right around lunch time, i can guarantee it'll slow down again.