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  1. sleasia

    another disaster!!!!!

    if you are using tubing, you have to secure it with metal hose clamps that [hr] tight.....I used plastic hose clamps once on my panworld pump which has 45 ft of head....they popped off while I was cleaning away salt creep and I had literally a geiser in my family room....
  2. sleasia

    I need a YELLOW fish... HELP!

    get a yellow chromis...I have two which have been in the tank for years, now mega chromis, think they are tangs.....
  3. sleasia

    how to drill a hole acrylic??

    oh dmcrete...aren't you the guy I sent the float valve to....the hole you need is not so big, you can probably just use a regular drill bit....there is a paper/instruction sheet in with the float valve which probably tells you exactly what size bit you need....why didn't you tell me, I would...
  4. sleasia

    how to drill a hole acrylic??

    are you drilling into something which is already filled with water? if so rig something up under the cut site to catch all your little acrylic shavings and this will save you some work later cleaning this stuff up.....I have used both hole saw bits on drills and also rotozip bits on dremels...
  5. sleasia

    clown eggs

    ok...i am consolidating, closing my reef tank and keeping the one main 200 because of electricity issues.....well I was taking my few pieces of fake reef replicas out of the main tank to make room for more live rock when I discovered my clowns (false percs) have laid a pile of eggs on one of the...
  6. sleasia


    well, I can take the yellow tang, the cleaner wrasse....probably not the clowns or the singapore angel because I already have two false percs and they just laid eggs a few days ago, and I have a blue face angel so I can't take the singapore, though I would love to.....I can fish your fish out...
  7. sleasia

    Emergency tank switch, help!

    Try and get some bio spira Marine, liquid beneficial bacteria made by marineland usually in packages in the lfs refridgerator and throw in a couple packs, this will help you with the quick cycling problem you will have....its pricey, but the best...around 27$ ? for the pack for 90 gallons....
  8. sleasia

    Cheato for sale

    I would like to get some cheto? do you have any left
  9. sleasia

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    saltnoob...can I get some for my fuge? how much do you have left
  10. sleasia


    how long have you had these fish? were they quarantined? any with ich? I live in Princeton NJ and could take them all for my 200...but I have had my fish for 3-4 years and do not have my qt set up right yours would have to go directly into my tank...and I'd want to be sure not to...
  11. sleasia


    Anyone with cheato for sale???? I would like to get some for my fuge...thanks
  12. sleasia

    150 gallon reef ready set up for sale new jersey

    live rock is sold and sent. what's left.... tank and stand live sand pacific coast cl650 1/4hp chiller
  13. sleasia

    wtb outo top off??

    dmcrete...sent the float to you today....glue?
  14. sleasia

    The Babies Are Here!!!!!

    this is so cool...thanks for clowns laid eggs and I'm to read up on what the heck to do....they say start hatching rotifers!!!
  15. sleasia

    150 gallon reef ready set up for sale new jersey

    sorry I forgot I was supposed to verify the hp...the chiller is 1/4 hp
  16. sleasia

    wtb outo top off??

    dmcrete....send me your address and I'll ship you a new one free!!!...I have an extra one at home like the ones in my top off system.....(why free? because any left over junk that goes from my house into anyone else's means I win!!!!! )
  17. sleasia

    150 gallon reef ready set up for sale new jersey

    b fit. the chiller is about 2 years old. I have done no maintenance other than cleaning the filters. ie, never replaced freeon, never had to yet. its currently running and maintaining temps on the reef tank I am taking down and previously ran on my 200 gallon. now that the 200 is plumbed to...
  18. sleasia

    150 gallon reef ready set up for sale new jersey

    r/o unit typhoon III extreme now sold
  19. sleasia

    150 gallon reef ready set up for sale new jersey

    it looks like Jabis96 is taking the skimmer and iwaki pump.