If its a money issue, and you live near a metropolitan area, try that popular classified ad website. You can often find people getting out of the hobby selling their live rock for far less than retail.
Welcome. I am new here too, but found the following to be very helpful in starting up my tank:
101 Tips to Beginning and Maintaining a Saltwater Aquarium
If it is ich, the reason it may appear to be moving is that as the ich cyst matures it falls off the host to reproduce. But new cysts will attach to the fish in other places. This may give the appearance that the spots are moving.
Here is a good article explaining the ich life cycle. It is...
Hello All,
New guy here. I am getting back into this hobby after several years. I need to get all new test kits for a marine fish only tank. I would like to get a mulit-test kit but am not sure which brand is considered the best. Best being defined as which brand is the most accurate and easiest...