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  1. coralman05

    Big upgrade

    All i Have is a 20 gallon long, What equipment do i need? Pictures anyone
  2. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    Ok It's 90 gallon lady. My Oscar died when i was at college (7 years old) durring this change. she fought through 2 months of hard times. SoOn after my longest fish Aferican Cidled died 7 years. 2 fish left pushing 8 or 9 years!!
  3. coralman05

    Alkalinity to KH

    What is it with ALK and KH? A good KH means a good ALK. Does it go backwards to? Need questions ask answers!
  4. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    No MY 100 GALLON is leaking! great luck! all the fish are in my room
  5. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    hahah guess what..
  6. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    Right mee tooo! if i add my saltwater pictures will people want to see! and still help me i have nothing better to do.. while i;m waiting for my pizza
  7. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    more lace loss of fins and or color loss upper center mass.. what is going on
  8. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    split fin + you can see one lace (lots more)
  9. coralman05

    freshwater help!

  10. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    i up the dose of copper last night.. to an unknow amount(not good) and maybe a little improvment. fins are so bad right now
  11. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    did a water change and they came back!( less copper in my tank) I guess its" fish lace" and adding potassium permangante( water softer) kills them.... sounds skechty to me
  12. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    I CAME here for help!! you guys helpped me get my 55 reef back together:) helppppppppp me i hate seeing my oscar sick.. there are bugs straight on him eating his body away
  13. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    water is a little green Afican cichlid looks a little fadded with scale lost.. like a whiteish color in some spots :(( i <3 my 100 gallon freshwater fucks going on!!!
  14. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    why is nothing working! pictures tommrrow i guess... any ideas, I <3 my OSCAR
  15. coralman05

    freshwater help!

    long story short I've had my Oscar 8 years.. cents he was a little lad,. now someone help me! pictures below.. i believe he has flukes a paradise:(( copper added saltwater added
  16. coralman05

    TANKED tagteam with *****?

  17. coralman05

    aptasia eating filefish

    I brought one yesterday... thinking i still had 200 aptasia in my tank... when i came home from the coral shop they were all gone!!! before i put the filefish in my tank.. a 55 reef tank.. with crabs and everything... and coral... bad move?? please help, if dangerous to my tank i will have to...
  18. coralman05

    Polyp extension, frying, bleaching - clarity needed

    You should post some pictures forsuree!