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  1. reefboys

    2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.

    Very very cool.
  2. reefboys

    Clown Tangs

    The key is to make sure they eat. Once they're eating they're really just another tang. But you really do need to have good water quality. Here's a pic of mine:
  3. reefboys

    Post pics of your tangs!!

    I've posted in these in my other thread but might as well post em here too.
  4. reefboys

    Meet Godzilla the Strawberry Hermit

    Very cool! We had one at the LFS where I work and I decided to put a feeder gold in there over night to see what would happen. When I came in the next morning, no more goldfish...
  5. reefboys

    Lionfish Ate Clam; Now What????

    Yeah definately hold off on feeding for another few days or until you have evidence that the shell is out. Feeding with the shell still in there could very well cause more blockage. Good luck!
  6. reefboys

    Suggestions for new, small fish

    If you can give us a tank size and stock list I'm sure we'd be able to help ya out.
  7. reefboys

    Can a fish be too fat? (see pic)

    Haha great picture! I've been wondering the same thing... Can a fish be too fat??? My Valentini Puffer is almost as thick as he is long lol.
  8. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Thanks alot! He really is gorgeous. He's about 6 inches long. I love their teeth!
  9. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Thanks, they are awesome fish!
  10. reefboys

    Rare fish pics

    Thank you!
  11. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Nope, no problems what so ever. So far so good.
  12. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Haha yeah I think the ships add a nice touch. Thanks for the compliments!
  13. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    2 pictures of my Dogface Puffer:
  14. reefboys

    Rare fish pics

    Here are a couple of my fish that aren't extremely rare but are pretty rarely seen. Clown Tang: Sohal Tang: And my Australian Harlequin Tusk:
  15. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Haha thank you!
  16. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    I'm doin everything I can to get them to live in harmony but so far its not workin so hot. The Clown is already eating which is great and stays out of the Sohal's way but once in a while the Sohal will take a chase or nip at the Clown. I'm gonna give it another day or two and if it still...
  17. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Larry-Haha I love the ocean so I've done my best to replicate it in my room lol. Sean-Thanks!!! I really like my Tusk. He's really cool.
  18. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Mine's about 6 inches and yeah she's very pushy. Pickin on the Clown Tang alot but I'm givin it a few more days to see if it'll work out.
  19. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Well I've seen other people make these types of threads before so I'll do one too. This way I can just update when I've got new pics instead of starting a new thread every time. We'll start off with a full tank shot and then individual photos to follow. Enjoy! And please leave some...
  20. reefboys

    can you keep any 2 angels?

    Basically if you've got a larger system (125/200 or so) with plenty of LR you've got a decent shot at success. Anything smaller than that you're probably doomed to have a dead angel on your hands.