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  1. scottallert

    GSP Question

    nope, i ordered a 5 gallonbucket from dr's f and s had it shipped and everything
  2. scottallert

    125 Gallon Stock list

    if yo get 5 perculas or fp you can have 5 as long as you get them then they are all small
  3. scottallert

    SocalNano24s Tank Diary

    sweet lips dont do well in captivity at all
  4. scottallert

    how to save sps frags

    glue them to rock rubble and sell them to LFS or locals, i would love some purple montis but cant find them
  5. scottallert

    GSP Question

    idk but i got reef crystals for 30$ shipped from the coupon codes off -- and my corals look great.
  6. scottallert

    GSP Question

    i switched salts from IO to reef crystals, and i do water changes every 7 days, and my calcium is in good shape.
  7. scottallert

    sps only 10g nano build. tag along

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 same here..i can keep sps corals but i can't keep a sixline wrasse even if my life depended on it...two died on me.. same here, both sixlines died within 24 hours
  8. scottallert

    Aggressive nano....

    if you want a dwarf lion look into blackfoot they are rare but awesome
  9. scottallert

    GSP Question

    i was dosing calcium and had to stop becuse of the same reason.
  10. scottallert

    YOTN's 20h Reef Tank Diary

    inverts usually molt when added to a new tank
  11. scottallert

    SocalNano24s Tank Diary

    Originally Posted by SocalNano24 Yeah, its really hard to get out of the country, but all the tropical stuff is so far away! I've only been to the cook islands (rarotanga). One of my friends is a tropical fish collector there, and provides some of the wild caught fish to the LA importer, Japan...
  12. scottallert

    SocalNano24s Tank Diary

    locally, some day i will internationally, i still have a few years to go.
  13. scottallert

    Photosynthetic Gorgonian

    sorry dont know the name spanko has one too look at his thread in nano tank section
  14. scottallert

    YOTN's 20h Reef Tank Diary

    t5 for sure, i have never had mh but i am satisified with t5, i am just saying id get rid of it now, because youll probly want sps in the future and when your tank is stacked it will be a pain to get out later, its a cool fish though.
  15. scottallert

    bio 29 reef

    bristle worm or fire worm, you can put a small water bottle with a piece of shrimp or fish put it in the bottle and when lights on theres a good chance it will be in there.
  16. scottallert

    YOTN's 20h Reef Tank Diary

    thats an awesome clown, i would get rid of the goby now if your gonna add any sps.
  17. scottallert

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    i love that gorg i will be picking one up soon, its just i can find a small one.
  18. scottallert

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    dont you have a 75 gallon or something bigger?
  19. scottallert

    SocalNano24s Tank Diary

    i scuba btw thats a torch coral not a hammer.
  20. scottallert

    Check Out My New Fish...

    Originally Posted by meowzer Your tank is beautiful...what is the lime green cluster thing on the right side? thats a candy cane or trumpet