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  1. monsinour

    Filter for 10g

    After having this filter for a few days, I can say the only noise this thing makes is the little dripping when the tank water level is a little low. I can ease back the flow rate and the noise goes away. With a full tank of water, flow on high, this thing is quiet. Now all i need is the LEDs...
  2. monsinour

    For my FW friends

    What is a cherry shrimp? Went to a LFS and saw they had quite a few of them in their tank. They looked really cool and kinda small. I was wondering if I got a pair of them if they would be ok in my daughter's tank. Her current inhabitants are: Micky Platty Neon Tetra Green Cory Cat Panda...
  3. monsinour

    Light question

    Looks like a 6 bulb T5 fixture. The bulbs should have a name brand on them as well as the fixture. I would consider replacing the bulbs since we dont know for sure how many hours of use are on them.
  4. monsinour

    HDTV to PC Connection

    Netflix allows you to watch what you want when you want aslong as you have an unlimited account. In about 2 years, netflix wont be dealing with DVD/Bluray discs. At that time, for rental purposes for me, all I will have access to is redboxes. As far as quality, if you have a decent video...
  5. monsinour

    ARGGGGG...It's always something

    For future reference, its easier to cool a room by sucking the hot air outside and drawing the cool air from the rest of the house.
  6. monsinour

    HDTV to PC Connection

    It sounds like you want to use your laptop/PC as your cable box. An HDMI cable and maybe the audio cables is all that you would need. I get netflix through the Wii. I am also stuck with time warner for cable service.
  7. monsinour

    HDTV to PC Connection

    tv tuner card and the software is all you would really need. Unless you want to watch the laptop's output on the tv. Then all you need is an HDMI cable and wireless input devices. I play angry birds on my 55" every now and then.
  8. monsinour

    HELP! Accidentally added chlorine to tank!

    Get some carbon running in there asap.
  9. monsinour

    I Got Some New Zoo Frags.

    If you dont have a coral dip, you can always use freshwater at the same temp as the DT. I found that nudi that way.
  10. monsinour

    New stuff

    $40 is cheap really. I have seen zoos sell for $200 a head. Really nice looking zoos go for around $40 to $50 a frag in my LFS.
  11. monsinour

    My lighting

    I need to clean/fix the digital camera to take better shots of it with the better lights. The difference is really incredible. I havent been to the LFS to get new critters/corals in a long time. Now that I have better lights, I can start to look at the xpensive corals. As long as my water...
  12. monsinour

    New stuff

    neato stuff. post pics once the corals have settled in and are fully open. Define "expensive" zoos.
  13. monsinour

    Filter for 10g

    Here is the video : Direct link if that doesnt work : edit: Forgot to mention that Evie performed wonderfully as the camerawoman. I have it up and running now, fairly quiet. I need to have more water in the tank and then it would be perfectly quiet. The...
  14. monsinour

    Filter for 10g

    I got the filter today. I will make a box opening video and post it here. After a while, I will give my thoughts on it.
  15. monsinour

    caulerpa in DT

    All my calipura disapeard from my sump when I was in GA getting the new bus. I have since found it growing in the DT on a few pieces of rock. None of my fish are eating it. I am not sure about the snails. I have found that the mexican turbos I got from love "bonsai" tree algea and I...
  16. monsinour

    Poll Week 30 Snails, Slugs and Conchs

    Did this one get missed?
  17. monsinour

    Cyano Outbreak!!!! HELP PLEASE

    I would love to have my own RO/DI unit. But the first $200 I get is for DIY LEDs.
  18. monsinour

    Filter for 10g

    Once I get some spare $ I will pick up the fluval HOB from a LFS and let ya'll know what I think. BTW, I posted this from my new cell phone. I have been playing with it for the past several days. I like it loads. Its a HTC My Touch 3G Slide. All these android apps are awesome. Kids love...
  19. monsinour

    Cyano Outbreak!!!! HELP PLEASE

    Quote: Originally Posted by helpbrady Lighting cycle was on about 10 hrs a day but now I only turn it on for only about 3 or 4hrs a day sometimes less. I get my water from a lfs who claims its RO/DI but how do I test for TDS? is there a test kit? if there is TDS in the water how can I...
  20. monsinour

    Filter for 10g

    i think they do. But i am in the boat of $32 is small enough to eat if it doesnt work. I doubt that will happen though. This Fluval HOB is definatly not on par with the Tetra I have now. Tetra POS.