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  1. angelofish

    DVD+R question

    For all you computer gurus. Can a DVD+R disc be used in a CD rewritable drive? Can I use it to make a giant music CD? This must be a really dumb question .Sorry in advance.:notsure:
  2. angelofish

    brown stuff

    Turbos will clean glass and the ornaments.Nassarius snails stir up the the sand and conchs keep it clean.Dwarf hermits will also keep the sand clean. If your going to buy online <---- <---- hint hint.:yes: ......get it here
  3. angelofish

    brown stuff

    You can start picking out critters to make up your cleaning crew. If you dont already have some.
  4. angelofish

    Man On Fire

    It was ok. IMO you wont be disapointed but it wasn't that great.It was kinda short too.
  5. angelofish

    Man On Fire

    Since we're posting about movies.I'm in the middle of watching Walking Tall. Kickin' butt so far.
  6. angelofish

    new tank pics

    Wow!! Great tank!! How do you keep the glass so clean?Im talking about the areas where the corals touch the sides and corners.:notsure:
  7. angelofish

    Man On Fire

    Im not 100% sure but I think John Travoltas 2 sons were the same guy. I love well made comic book movies.The first Punsher movie was crap compared to the new one.
  8. angelofish

    new frags

    All of that xenia for 5 bucks!!!!!:eek: That's 1 heck of a deal!!!
  9. angelofish

    Man On Fire

    Great movie. Punisher was also a gotta-see, kick-butt movie.(Not trying to hi-jack the thread)
  10. angelofish

    Man On Fire

    Funniest scene was when Denzel tells the kidnapper "Your brother wants to talk to you".He hands the brother the phone and shoots his hand.The brother screams into the phone.:hilarious
  11. angelofish

    How the heck do i attach this sucker?

    You could try some type of mesh material.Wrap the mushroom and rock together loosely until it attaches.
  12. angelofish

    No good Sixline

    Thanks to my 6 line my pod population has been wiped out.I just found out the hard way why I don't see as many tiny brittle stars. If I wouldve known he'd eat the cool critters in the tank I wouldnt have put him in there. I think he might be on his way out. :mad:
  13. angelofish

    One of my 55g tanks

    I'm sorry if I started this ball rolling.I'm sure he wasn't trying to flame GP.It's kinda hard to type in a few words what one truely means.I see now that he probably meant to say that there might be some future problems.I have a Sailfin in my 55g.Hes/Shes the size of a quarter.I know he/she...
  14. angelofish

    One of my 55g tanks

    :notsure: There's only one Tang in there. Just curious.How can the tank be overstocked now if the fish still need time to grow. .......GoldPuffer The kids must love your tank especially with Nemo in there. I can almost picture the fingerprints that get wiped everyday. :D
  15. angelofish

    No Sump + No Fuge = Successful Reef

    Someone I know recently set up a 110 w/wet dry. We asked alot of questions at the LFS and this is the info we got.The overflow box is set up so it will stop draining once the water level drops to a certain point.The sump should be big enough to hold the extra water without overflowing.If the...
  16. angelofish

    Way to make seaclone 150 work better?

    Im planning on cutting the inner tube on my SC. Looking at it I dont see how I can get the tube out. How would I put it back after cutting it shorter ?Its a long way down.:notsure: Do I have to drill a hole in the lid for the airline too?
  17. angelofish

    sand sifting advice

    How about some Nassasarius(sp) snails?They sleep below the sands surface and rise up when they smell food.This constant action sifts the sand a little.
  18. angelofish

    Where to buy PC bulbs

    Who sells the best,well priced PC bulbs online? Its almost time to replace and looking to buy the true Actinic 03s.
  19. angelofish

    Whats the secret.......

    Oh yeah! If you dont have corals maybe this will help.Ive read on another site that leaving the just the actinics on 24hrs a day for 2 weeks straight will help too.If you try this, turn them off at night. Fish need their sleep.
  20. angelofish

    Whats the secret.......

    Calcium and alkalinity are what you need to watch. I had no growth until I used Aragamilk. Grabbing a well covered rock and scraping some into the water definately helps.Do this often.To be honest mine is starting to kick in again after taking a summer break.I dont know why though?:notsure: