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  1. jerthunter

    Sun coral

    I had one awhile back that lasted me a couple years, they are amazing looking corals. What I did, and I hear alot of people do, was cut the top of a 2 liter soda bottle. To feed I would first feed my tank, which would usually cause the sun coral to open up. Then cover the sun coral with the...
  2. jerthunter

    RODI questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 Any example of a good; dependable, economical cost of a 3 way switch.....Most switches have a life cycle as well, and aren't cheap...... No, I doubt this would be cheap, however it would be possible if that is what the user desires. Personally I just route...
  3. jerthunter

    RODI questions

    I would advise against putting a shutoff or float valve on the waste water. If that were to shutoff by the pure water was still open you could damage your membrane. Depending on how complex you want to get you could use individual sensors and one control valve upstream of the unit that shuts...
  4. jerthunter

    This makes me sick....

    I always seem to hear these kind of stories second hand, and I usually think "Hey that's messed up!". But I have never seen anything like this first hand, which makes me wonder if it is extremely rare or if it just depends on where you live. From some of the stories it sounds like it is an...
  5. jerthunter

    Jeremy's new pictures!

    hmm something looks different but holy crap!! that frogspawn is HUGE. Well the tank did move from Cleveland, OH to west Michigan so I sold off a bit of coral, pplus most of my zoos that I didn't sell before the move slowly died off.. So less coral/less live rock, but otherwise same tank just...
  6. jerthunter

    tangs poo looks like a bunch of little worms

    I don't think your tang has parasites or any issue with its wastes being 'stringy' In my observations, what a tang eats greatly impacts what it passes, and something like Nori has a lot of fibers that probably wouldn't be digusted completely and might give you what you see.. Of course, if you...
  7. jerthunter

    Jeremy's new pictures!

    I miss how my tank used to look. But I figured I'd post an update. One moment while I figure this out...
  8. jerthunter


    I did something similair a couple years ago except my drive was only a day, maybe 500 miles. I tore down my tank the night before, brought premixed water in some jugs (you can use brand new plastic gas cans to hold the water, less chance of spilling vs buckets.) I had several plastic rubbermaid...
  9. jerthunter

    What is your biggest coral?

    I was looking at my tank a few days ago and thought, "Wow that coral has really grown over the years". So I thought I'd ask to see what the largest coral people have in their tanks is and if possible ask for before and after pics to show if it grew that big or if they just purchased/found it...
  10. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    Didn't5 make profits in the USA. Better? No, not necessarily better since it is still an incorrect statement. GE is a publically traded company so any information you might want to look up on them is basically just waiting for you to look. But the point, I think, in bringing up GEs low us...
  11. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    There were a lot of companies with losses the last few years.   Yes but not GE... I know it isn't the topic of this thread but saying GE didn't pay taxes due to not making a profit is like saying the sky is red.
  12. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    So exactly what is the complaint over GE having a year where they didn't owe taxes? If they had enough losses they didn't turn a profit they shouldn't pay taxes. Don't scare me like that. I read GE had losses and I about fell out of my chair.
  13. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mantisman51 Did anyone discount anything he has said? He's protesting what no one has said. Seems rather odd to me. He thinks some officers are jerks and contractors are doing some important work. No disagreement from me. That has no bearing on taking care of those...
  14. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    I agree...the cost is minimal...but if you are gonna raise costs on one section of the governmental employees, do it to all of them. Military personnel sign a contract...they give X amount of years and receive X in return. This technically is breach of contract as well. That is an interesting...
  15. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    If the numbers from the website are correct it doesn't seem like the military is getting hurt to badly by the changes. I mean I hate seeing any costs raise and I can understand people's frustration, but honestly this sounds rather minor compared to the recent? increases in services...
  16. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    I just realized you might be speaking of retirees which is a whole different thing that I am not aware of since I didn't do 20-30 years and thus didn't retire. And retirees are seeing their rates go up.
  17. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    July 4th 2004 I went on terminal leave, I started in August 1998. Of course they may be talking about coverage for families (or for reservists/parttimers), which I didn't have when I was in, but during my time there was no cost for individual servicemen. My guess is that the costs you are...
  18. jerthunter

    And you thought your insurance increase was ridiculous?

    Any increase in medical costs would be an infinite percent increase from when I did my time since we didn't have to pay for medical, or dental, or vision, or housing, or food... (and I still made more money then I do now).
  19. jerthunter

    Catholics vs. Abortion vs. Obama's mandate...

    I think you're drinking too much of the Rick Santorum Kool-Aide. Yikes. I personally find the thought of drinking anything with santorum in it rather repulsive.
  20. jerthunter

    What will win, Hammer or Sinularia?

    I am thinking a third outcome may be most likely, that the sinularia will move and they will both survive. Since they have been so close for a couple years now, and it looks like the sinualria has decided recently to bend over away from the hammer and to some new rocks.