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  1. dhughesz28

    Anyone use ground probes?

    If you search you will find that there has been a lot of debate, even some heated debate about this subject. Some who claim to be electrical experts or electrical engineers will say that stray current will cause no harm to fish; it’s like a bird sitting on a power line. Others who also claim to...
  2. dhughesz28

    Need help building my Sump

    20L = 12"x12"x30"
  3. dhughesz28

    Help with tank weight!

    I thought saltwater was more like 8.3 lbs/gal ?
  4. dhughesz28

    Need help building my Sump

    Hi All, I need some help putting together my sump. First, here are the specs of the system: 75G RR AGA 20L sump tank AGA overflow rated at 600 gph Return will be powered by a Mag9.5 Here is my sump plan. My question is how high should the baffles be for the bubble trap? See the red x and y...
  5. dhughesz28

    Travel trailer NCC question

    Last time I looked NCC was the beginning of any standard Starfleet ship registration. Like as in NCC-1701-D, USS Enterprise.
  6. dhughesz28


    straight up man. dont most brunettes look hotter than blondes Hells Yeah !!
  7. dhughesz28


    Seeing or hearing about tangs in small tanks is a heart breaker. I hear ya, a friend of mine who is intent on setting up a SW tank, but refuses to learn anything about sw fish is going to be putting a hippo tang and about 5 other fish in a 16 gal. :scared: :scared: Its thier money...
  8. dhughesz28


    with carbon it will only hold so much stuff before it will start to release it back causing water quality to go down rapidly. in essence its no the carbon per say but its what happens when it is left in for a long period of time so it is a secondary cause of it. If that makes sense. that makes...
  9. dhughesz28

    Question about coralife needle wheel skimmer 125 GAL

    I’m looking to get one of these coralife needle wheel skimmers 125 GAL model. The specifications say that this thing is 24” high. The problem is that I only have 26” clearance inside my tank stand. Does this 24” include the collection cup? Will I have enough room to be able to take the...
  10. dhughesz28

    Yellow Tang

    you could always ditch your 55 and upgrade to a 150 But seriously, thats a tough situation. If the LFS's dont want it what about other fish keepers in your area? If his "other option" involves a toilet bowl, that I guess even a 55 gal is better than that.
  11. dhughesz28

    engineer goby and diamond goby

    I lost a diamond goby to carpet surfing also These things are escape artists. My avatar is a memorial to our goby we lost. RIP “Sir Spots-a-lot”
  12. dhughesz28


    I have never heard that carbon can cause HLLE, not that I don’t believe you, but I would like to know if anyone else agrees with this?? I had a little experience with HLLE 2 years ago. I have a yellow tang and it developed HLLE in the first few month I had him. He turned almost white, had red...
  13. dhughesz28

    help my friend has big problems

    Not sure what could have caused the ammonia spike, but I would say that the tank might be a little overcrowded. A 55 gal is way to small for a Tang, especially a 4” tang. The powder blue is probably stressed from being in to small a tank. I would say that 5 fish would be ok in a 55gal if all...
  14. dhughesz28

    Question Re: Green Ricordea Mushroom

    Hi all, I am looking into getting some Green Ricordea Mushrooms. I already have a colony of blue mushrooms, but these Ricordea look much different. Is there any difference in care or feeding for the Ricordea compared to the average blue and purple mushrooms? Also, I’ll ask the same question for...
  15. dhughesz28


    anything that cannot reproduce is not thriving I’m not sure I totally agree with that statement. I would bet that most people who have SW tanks do not have fish reproducing. Are you saying that every one of these fish are not thriving?? Lets be honest, just by keeping ANY fish in an aquarium is...
  16. dhughesz28

    Question on feeder shrimp

    I appreciate your response, but I was hoping to get answers to my questions. I have successfully kept 2 SW tanks for the last two years. Although I am still learning new things all the time, I don’t consider myself a beginner. I am aware that these fish can be delicate and require a varied diet...
  17. dhughesz28

    Copperband Butterfly diet question

    thanks for your responses guys, I have only had flake eating fish untill now and dont really know what im doing as far as feeding meat eaters. Just trying to learn how befor I go and buy the new fish. :thinking: a few questions..... When you guys say fresh fish, shrimp and lobstertail, do you...
  18. dhughesz28

    Question on feeder shrimp

    Hi all, I have a bunch of questions on feeding carnivorous fish live mysis and brine shrimp. First off, I have a 75 gal tank and only plan to get one fish that has a meaty diet, probably a Copperbanded Butterfly. 1.How do you put the shrimp in the tank so the fish you are trying to feed knows...
  19. dhughesz28


    I am also looking at buying some silicone for my upcomming sump project. I need to but some bubble traps in. I went to Lowes last night to look. I found GE type I and type II silicone with and without color and anti mold additives. Now non of them said anything about use on an aquarium. Would...
  20. dhughesz28

    Opinions on the Rio Nano Skimmer

    Bump, I am also looking at one for my 10gal