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  1. zephyrlily

    Maroon clown bigger than an oscar!!!

    The movie 'Big Fish' comes to mind.
  2. zephyrlily

    Nano Cube 12 Day Cycle?

    Ok, I put a shrimp in yesterday and ammonia today is back up to .5 and nitrite shot up to 3.0, nitrate still 40. When do I take the shrimp out, I've read different answers: 2 days, 1 week, when ammo reaches .5, when it reaches between 4 and 6. :confused: :notsure: I should also add its...
  3. zephyrlily

    What are these flakes???

    Resize your pic to 500 or less. BTW, I couldn't post mine as .jpg so went with .gif
  4. zephyrlily

    Must have had "SUCKER" on my forehead!!!

    Hafen, That's an awful ordeal you went through. You should really take it up with higher management there and even write a formal complaint to the headquarters of the company. Horrible customer service like that is enough to keep me away from buying ANYTHING from them no matter how cheap, so...
  5. zephyrlily

    New NanoCube ?s for FO/FOWLR

    overanalyzer, I have another post regarding the cycle with the hermit, (in 12 days my ammonia and nitrite have zeroed out). I've been feeding him fish flakes which he chases after and he's actually quite a pooper (several times a day). I haven't been using the lights much with the cycle, 1-2 hrs...
  6. zephyrlily

    Nano Cube 12 Day Cycle?

    Aaron: I didn't use Aragonite but I'm going to wait it out so I don't jinx myself. :rolleyes: donmgicwon: I had 0 readings (for 3 days) then I put the LS and hermit crab in. The next day the ammonia showed up and nitrite the day after that. They seem to have peaked on the 8th day, as I...
  7. zephyrlily

    Nano Cube 12 Day Cycle?

    Hi, I have a 12G Nano Cube thats been cycling with coral sand seeded with LS and a lg. hermit crab. SG 1.022, PH 8.0 steady throughout cycle On the 8th day Ammonia peaked at 0.5, Nitrite 1.0, Nitrate 40. Today is the 12th day- ammo and nitrite are 0, Nitrate 40. I was expecting them to peak at...
  8. zephyrlily

    Show us your Simbiotic pics

    I love seeing species interact and work together. If you got pics of clownfish/anemone, goby/shrimp or even 2 species sharing the same cave or hanging out together lets see them! :joy:
  9. zephyrlily

    hermit pics

    Side view:
  10. zephyrlily

    hermit pics

    Here's mine:
  11. zephyrlily

    those in an apartment (upper floor)???

    With all this said a 55G shouldn't be a problem in any apt. bldg. right?
  12. zephyrlily

    Novice Moving His New Tank. Advice???

    areijin, That's a beautiful tank you got! Let us know how the move went and don't get discouraged if you lose some inhabitants, like zotl said any move is stressful on an ecosystem. Congrats on your buy and good luck! :cheer:
  13. zephyrlily

    Logging Software

    Aqualog is a simple one I use.
  14. zephyrlily

    29g ?

    Originally posted by cimpow137 would the clown goby and the bicolor blenny fight? I'm curious about that too. Does anyone have these 2 together?
  15. zephyrlily

    New NanoCube ?s for FO/FOWLR

    Thanks Nudibranch, Actually the cc I mentioned is coral sand (my bad) and since I last posted I have seeded it with LS and a nice sized hermit crab to help cycle. Getting faint readings of ammonia. The temp has been steady at 82F, I'll look into getting a fan. Thanks again :happyfish
  16. zephyrlily

    New NanoCube ?s for FO/FOWLR

    Hello, I just got a Nano Cube as a gift, it was set up 3 days ago. Right now it just has crushed coral substrate. SG is 1.022. Still debating whether to get the coral rock from the dealer (pieces haven't come in yet) or live rock from another nearby lps. It's sounds like LR is more beneficial in...
  17. zephyrlily

    New Nano Cube Questions

    Hello, I just got a Nano Cube as a gift, it was set up 3 days ago. Right now it just has crushed coral substrate. SG is 1.022. Still debating whether to get the coral rock from the dealer (pieces haven't come in yet) or live rock from another nearby lps. It's sounds like LR is more beneficial in...