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  1. -tara33-

    Looks like I have Ick again!!!

    there is no law against using tap water with conditioner, its deffinently MUCH better to use ro but if you cant i have done it many times with my qt tanks at work when the ro unit was to slow, and i used tap with neautralizer for hypo and it worked just fine you just have to watch your levels of...
  2. -tara33-

    I'm taking a sabbatical from

    have a good holiday
  3. -tara33-

    New Nano!

  4. -tara33-

    How many times can you tolerate this video??

    im suddenly exhausted!!! i also feel a little less intelligent, it's rubbed of on me
  5. -tara33-

    The Feeding and Unfeeding of My Fungia

    well thats one mean lil crab, i personelly hate crabs to
  6. -tara33-

    my fish loves me

    Originally Posted by InvertCrazy Wait til they get older, they'll wanna rip your fingers off mine are 3 year old adults also have a female maroon by herself in a lil reef and she loves me, she's an old one tho donated to me a year ago shes about 5 yrs
  7. -tara33-

    My anemone won't stop moving!

    yes welcome to the boards, but i will tell u my opinion to. the nem needs a mature tank of at least 6 or more months, it also needs t5 or mh as stated, i have personelly kept a lta with t5s for 2 n a bit yrs and its grown 3 times its size in that time, ppl will prob tell u thats wrong and to...
  8. -tara33-

    yummiest inedible object

    same as me with pens and my acrilic nails, but as for the gum, the ones that taste like fruit i just end up swallowing cos there so i end up eating the whole pack!
  9. -tara33-

    the start of my 20L adventure lol

    whaaaat, banned couldnt be true, what did he do, mike thats wierd he's such a good boy!
  10. -tara33-

    my fish loves me

    puppies of the ocean, mine do the same they almost jump out of the water just to sit in my
  11. -tara33-

    wierd thing on my reef rocks

    i was gunna say snail eggs to but i have them on live rock that comes in and its like some tiny creature has munched on the rock cos its sort of dented in
  12. -tara33-

    Clowns swimming sideways?

    this happend to me to with a pair of occelaris, they did it for about 4 months and i couldnt understand why and there wer lots of lps and softies in the tank and only cleaner shrimp but as soon as i put a med hammer coral up the top of the rocks the next morning they were nice n snug in there...
  13. -tara33-

    Porky Puffer

    Originally Posted by usirchchris ghost shrimp . nothing works better imo porkys LOVE them, they go on a high
  14. -tara33-

    Please Identify this globulous mass for me.

    i had an invasion of those flatworms once in my reef tank and they slowly went through 3 hammer corals and 2 torch corals eating all the polyp ends, they multiplied like crazy. so i took everything out to get rid of em!
  15. -tara33-

    PBT attack

    pbt are very aggresive once established and has his own territory, they really should be the last fish put in a tank, he may think the 100g tank is all his territory and the mandarin is such a peicefull fish and shouldnt be put with aggressive fish, what other livestock is in the tank fish wise?
  16. -tara33-

    What's something you've done people would find odd?

    a man purse....what is this lol
  17. -tara33-

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Originally Posted by Patriot54 Here is me, didn't want too, but I did. Bet you can't guess which one is me? the one on the right in the blue and
  18. -tara33-

    Spanish Dancer?

    has anyone ever kept these guys, they are always on the wholesalers stocklist, but ive never had one, i know about them and stuff but just wanting to know if anyone has kept one for long term or if they are a threat to the tank in anyway or should not be collected and kept? never stocked...
  19. -tara33-

    need help deciding between 2 angels

    i vote blueface, i had one for sale for 4 months and became so tame ate out of my hand, then someone bought it
  20. -tara33-

    I can't get this tang!! See pic.. am I being lied to?

    its not a duss, Acanthurus nigroris and its a sick fish that looks like its had numerus things wrong with it other than just being attact by a wrasse, get your money back no where near as nice as a duss Attachment 217348