Search results

  1. reckler

    Diamond goby

    shermans for the most part. I am good friends with Mark the owner. He gives me pretty good deals. are you in denver too. I see, you are in summit county.
  2. reckler

    which gorgonian to get and where to put it...?

    hey hot is that the same gor we traded on. I was wondering if it is a low or a high flow gor. I have it in a low flow right now. Thank you,Ron
  3. reckler

    What are YOUR thoughts...

    you had asked a question about global warming and I answered it as truthfull as I could without getting kicked off this site. I'm not here to argue with anyone about anything in the world. I am here to learn about saltwater fish and on occation relax in the aquarium with some of my friends and...
  4. reckler

    Diamond goby

    goby looks great. he looks just like mine. they are pretty cool.
  5. reckler

    pics question please help

    are you resizing the pic or cropping it. if you resize it. it sould look fine. All my pics are a large file also when I take them. when you post them here you won't be able to tell you even resized it.
  6. reckler

    Okay Rykna and TX Reef, you asked!

    tank looks great alyssia. how long have you had your tank set up. I was wondering because of the coraline. I am waiting for it to start growing on my glass.
  7. reckler

    QT tanks

    I was thinking about setting my 55 up when I move. I do need a QT tank and was wondering if I could keep a few fish in it at all times, or would I have to leave it empty until needed?
  8. reckler

    some pics

    is that a condi or an LTA? nice. like the zoa's too. those aren't good to have around with the anenome. just send them to me and I'll save them for you......
  9. reckler

    clear white algae question

    I don't think it is algea you are looking at. I have the same stuff on my rocks. it is a sponge growing. it is good if it is.
  10. reckler

    using a script

    I was wondering if anyong here is using a script. the reason I was asking, is because I see some people here quoting on the same board. not saying any names but the initials are lion_crazz.. I have seen other things here to that you can do with a script. If you have never heard of a script...
  11. reckler

    What are YOUR thoughts...

    I don't believe in global warming and I don;t believe these so called scientists. I think we make something special out of nothing for someone benefit. meaning, there are people out there that no matter what you tell them they won't believe you, unless you tell them what they want to hear. I...
  12. reckler

    All I want for christmas is a brand new tank...Help

    I forgot to tell you also. he built a stand with 5/8 ply amd drilled the holes out where he had to plumb it. he also placed a piece of 1/2 foam under the entire tank to keep it level and incase there was something poking up from the stand to break the glass.
  13. reckler

    All I want for christmas is a brand new tank...Help

    his tank is 1/2" aga. the outer koles are 1" with the intake inside the overflow. and the 4 center holes are 1 1/4" where the overflow is the glass was doubled up..
  14. reckler


    since this is a fish web site, I thought I could help you with that problem. you can use super glue gel to glue it closed again.
  15. reckler

    my candy cane keeps falling over

    glue it the way you like looking at it.
  16. reckler

    All I want for christmas is a brand new tank...Help

    here is a pic I drew from his tank. On the closed loop he tied 1 to 1 and 2 to 2. he used a 4way to circulate the water in the tank. the outside corner hole (closed loop 1&3) is where the water goes into the tank along with 2,4. the inside hole(closed loop 1&3) is where the water is sucked in...
  17. reckler

    People are really this dumb!

    there might be in sky diving but not electrical!
  18. reckler

    People are really this dumb!

    the funniest thing I ever had happen was when I was wireing a sum-pump up for sewage. I went to a customers house request of the plumber to wire for a new sewage pump. this guy lived down a hill and had to pump his sewage up to the sewer lines in the city. when I was finished with the...
  19. reckler

    All I want for christmas is a brand new tank...Help

    I had a friend just get a 240 gallon with all the bells and whistles. the closed loop was on each corner of the tank and the over flow was in the center of the tank. He custom ordered his tank all glass. On the closed loop he added a 4 way for circulation. his tank is awsome. when you look at...
  20. reckler

    tomorrow is the day. who will win!

    Dec 10th is the day for the contest to end. I am pretty excited to see who will win it. Good luck to everyone that posted..