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  1. rushprop

    what kind shroom is this? rare?

    Try to mess around with the functions in the menu. I have a $95 samsung that I have literally taken 50000 pictures with and it still does a pretty good job taking photos of my coral. There are alot of very small setting changes(on most cameras) that can add up to a big difference.
  2. rushprop

    swimming worm?

    So I noticed a strange creature in my tank last night. It looked like some kinda of worm. It was approx. 1-1.25 inches in length. white. probably as thick as a toothpick. I wanted to get a pic but this thing was flying around the tank. It would shoot out of the liverock swim very fast around...
  3. rushprop

    Feeding Devices

    tractor supply co. is a great place to get large syringes that work awesome. They have everything from 3 cc to 60 cc. they are used for giving medicine to cattle/horse etc. I was going to try the rigid airline, but until I do its just wet arm.
  4. rushprop

    metal halide or 144 watt pc?

    Never had just straight PCs, but I can tell you that halides are pretty sweet. and like everyone else said, no reason to spend the money twice.
  5. rushprop

    one or 2 siphons to sump?

    IF what I am seeing is what you are talking about, it does not look neccisary. Just something to set theres apart from everyone elses.
  6. rushprop

    one or 2 siphons to sump?

    Originally Posted by bill109 hahahahah i like your style! i scraped all the little black things off. it was like little plastic /rubber things that dispursed the heat? idk. they kept falling off so i scraped them off. hmmm.. im not really sure what little rubber things you are talking about.
  7. rushprop

    one or 2 siphons to sump?

    Is the sump water level moving or the tank water level? Yea, sumps/wetdrys when using a hang of the back are kinda "interesting" at first. I hated mine on my freshwater, took it off, put 3 XP4's on and am now in the process of making another one to put back on it. But i have deffinetly learned...
  8. rushprop

    pics of 125 sps tank

    Very nice tank. I am really starting to like the sps more and more as i see them and learn more about this hobby. What lights have you got above? 3 mh and some t5? looks good, nice coraline.
  9. rushprop

    one or 2 siphons to sump?

    It will only be about as high as the cutouts in the overflow box. Try to move it up as much as possible inside the tank. I noticed when that it would stay just about a cm about the bottom of the cutouts, just as much water that could get moved by the U tube. If more water is going into you...
  10. rushprop

    broken heater?

    Originally Posted by bill109 then it would crack... if you pull it out of th water and the air is cooler. aka ac is on. it cracks.. that outlet still works though. and my hands are still tingley.. I guess there are two ways I can go with this.. I can say "yes i know that, let it "cool" down...
  11. rushprop

    aggresive sixline wrasse

    Hopefully he chills a little bit. I havent noticed him going after any of the hermits since the first day, so maybe he is calming down a bit(or im just not seeing it). He has eaten really well since i got him, so maybe he was just hungery, we will see.
  12. rushprop

    broken heater?

    Does the heater feel warm? Probably wouldn't able to tell the difference in the tank water because it should be at the same or near the same temp. BUt if you pulled it out and put it in some cold water you would be able to tell if it were heating up. and +1 for the .99 cent glass thermometer.
  13. rushprop

    250 gallon Reef

    nice tank. sweet lobster. have seen a couple in some lfs, would love to have atank big enough to keep one. what is the view like from the back of the tank? didnt look like it was up against a wall, didnt know if it was viewable from both sides.
  14. rushprop

    MY 301 gallon

    Verry beefy. very nice tank. Can you walk behind the tank like a bar setup or does the stand take up the whole corner. Kinda looks like you can from the side angle shot. either way, very sweet setup.
  15. rushprop

    Power head and live rock questions

  16. rushprop

    one or 2 siphons to sump?

    I think that would depend on the size of your return pump. YOu could use both, but if you dont have a adequate return pump then you will get alot of air build up in the top of the U, or they could lose there siphon.
  17. rushprop

    Snails keep dying?

    If you think they are dieing because there "isnt enough for them to eat." then why did you get two more? Why not just let the one go and see what happens? Not trying to be rude, just didnt make any sence to me.
  18. rushprop

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    This tank looks amazing. I love the whole setup especially behind the scenes, looks like it is very easy to maintian. congratulations!!! Also what happend to the Deep sand bed that you were going to create?
  19. rushprop

    aggresive sixline wrasse

    well i mean really, with the outfit that dude is wearing.. kinda looks like an 80's rap star with some lazer glasses. SO he probably needs to act as tuff as possible.
  20. rushprop

    Cichlid's news pics 2day

    Looks like the underside of a snail in the bottom by the zoos. Nice tank, I have kinda mixed feelings about the hex tanks, but you are deffinetly pulling it off, keep it up.