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  1. skirrby

    its about time i got a brain!

    and one more to make it a 6 pack! one of my emeralds hiding under the brain.. i thought this was a pretty cool shot
  2. skirrby

    its about time i got a brain!

    hey just got this brain coral the other day.. i fell in love with it at the lfs, so it was only a matter of time before i bought it lol. tell me what you think
  3. skirrby

    just redid my tanks lil website, check it out

    well im 21, so i dont really fall into the teen catogory. but thanks for the comments everyone. glad you all enjoyed it
  4. skirrby

    glass on tank

    you can take it off, it will provide better gas exchange in the tank, which is a good thing. you will evaporate more water with it off,. but its not required to have it on.. alot of people run without them, including myself
  5. skirrby

    Just found it growing .. ID anyone?

    my guess is GSP
  6. skirrby

    just redid my tanks lil website, check it out

    hey, hopefully this link is allowed,, its not selling anything so i dont see why it would be a problem. but i just redid the homepage for my tank.. ive seen a few people on here coment on it, and say it was a nice tank.. but the pic on there was about 8 month old. so i just redid it last...
  7. skirrby

    just to pretty not to share

    the split on their own, and they spread pretty fast. cameria is a fujifilm finepix s3000. i use all kinds of differnet settings. so i cant remember what i used for what pic. and not sure of the timeframe it takes for the xenia to split.. not long though. but they are under 260watts of pc and...
  8. skirrby

    just to pretty not to share

    scarr send me a email at remove the no spam.. ill let you know
  9. skirrby

    just to pretty not to share

    i took this pic for my lfs's website.. but wanted to share it with you all... this is definatly one of the prettist pics ive taken in a while. tell me what you think.
  10. skirrby

    just to pretty not to share

    this is up at my favorite lfs.. its incredible looking in person, not even the pic captures how nice it looks. really like,, wish i wasnt so afraid of sps. i know i can have them, but i always worry lol. but i thought this pic i took turned out really nice. hope you enjoy.. and no i didnt...
  11. skirrby

    flame hawk in a reef?

    i know most say no.. but i know and have seen it pulled off for quite some time with no problems.. whats are the risks,.. i absolutly love this fish, and always have.. and they got a nice one at the lfs.. is it probably safe.. or way to risky in my reef.. hes a lil guy maybe one 2 inches...
  12. skirrby

    painting pvc?

    yeah i have a gut feeling it wouldnt be safe,, but then again i think ive heard of it,, dunno really, i made it simple and am just gonna get lockline
  13. skirrby

    painting pvc?

    can you paint pvc black at all if its going to be in the tank,, im adding a closed loop system, and want to have the pvc black,, if i cant find any lockline/black pvc anywhere near me. if it is safe, how can i go about doing it so it will be safe.. please let me know,, white is just a...
  14. skirrby

    really good pic i wanted to share with you all

    yup its my girlfriend,, and yes i think she is very beautiful. lol no its not me with a wig.
  15. skirrby

    2 New Pics!

    bret if you want to know of my fav lfs, send me a email remove the no spam part.
  16. skirrby

    post your 55's pics -- PLEASE!!!

    Originally Posted by dragonfli it is against te law tohave any living coral in the tank. some exceptions, and i have read all about them. any opinions please give'em what? i really dont think its agenst the law to have living corals in your tank,, dont you think if it was, alot of us would...
  17. skirrby

    post your 55's pics -- PLEASE!!!

    heres mine,, i really wish i could find a place host a really large pic, so i could get you all a nicer pic and show alot more detail... 55 gallon, 20gallon long made into sump/fuge, 2 175watt metal halides, 4 65watt power compacts, 60lbs of fiji and vantanu(sp?) live rock, just my...
  18. skirrby

    2 New Pics!

    another bump for anyone that may have missed these pics
  19. skirrby

    check it out,, 5 new pics for your enjoyment

    bump for whoever might not have seen the other day
  20. skirrby

    really good pic i wanted to share with you all

    got a nice pic of my girlfriends dog the other day.. and thought i would share, tell me what you think, its a mini american eskomo