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  1. sickboy

    Economics v 2010

    Originally Posted by bionicarm So is this 'short selling' of homes that would otherwise go into foreclosure good or bad for the economy? It sounds like the banks would rather force them into bankruptcy for a better deal. But on the other...
  2. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff No but complying with certain regulations takes a large enough army of employees they certainly stumble over each other. Instead of hiring a fleet of government workers to pour over a company's records, and requiring a company to hire a fleet of accountants to...
  3. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff So what does that have to do with regulations? Investigating criminal activity is a completely different situation from meddling in day to day operations. You make it sound like the employees are stumbling over regulators.
  4. sickboy

    Lets Talk Big TV's

    LCD LEDs are great if you got the dough to pitch over for one b/c you will want a high quality one. Don't be like my friend that bought a "cheap" one for $1,500, as it looks like crap. His regular LCD looks better. As a general rule on the others, for under 42" go with an LCD, 42"-47" either...
  5. sickboy

    Economics v 2010

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Not necessarily from the one you linked to, but there were a whole bunch of different links, very reminiscent of the infamous and proved false hockey sick graph... Basically, their data sucks, and so do their conclusions. In reading around on the site, all they...
  6. sickboy

    Economics v 2010

    Well, I have no idea on how to link the IRS's excel sheets to here, but you can easily find the lower income stuff, such as the entire bottom 50% of the income brackets only account for 12.26% of the total income of the country. Also, a link for the info on the top 400 is on that blog post.
  7. sickboy

    Economics v 2010

    Originally Posted by reefraff All I had to see was Linda Smith, I mean Sanchez on their board of directors along with a whole lot of union thugs to convince me. So the IRS info must be wrong since you don't like the people? Sounds like a pretty lame excuse to reject the numbers. Lets see if...
  8. sickboy

    Economics v 2010

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 What a well disguised propaganda machine... How so? Seems that numbers provide more insight than theory...
  9. sickboy

    Economics v 2010
  10. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff With just simple legal protections on trade marks, copyrights and patents you are always going to have competition. =A type of gov't regulation. For those that think capitalism can't operate with gov't, I would argue that capitalism can't operate without gov't...
  11. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff Competition is what made ours probably the greatest country in history in a relatively short period of time. Capitalism doesn't make the foolish assumptions Progressives/marxists/Socialists do regarding human nature. Call it competitive spirit or greed but given...
  12. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff As long as there is more than one plantation owner there will always be competition. If you don't like the wages they offer go to work at the cotton gin or freight company. Only way to absorb all competition is through government control ie; socialism. Outsourcing...
  13. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff Health savings accounts are probably the best overall solution. considering the current situation, I agree
  14. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff Unless people want to actually start paying out of pocket for the cost of their own medical care insurance is the best game in town, period. Medical care would have to take a major correction in price for this to be possible, and that won't happen. Originally...
  15. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The stimulus bill has not done what he said it would, You sure about that?
  16. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff I'd ask for a tuition refund if your instructor claims it's insurance companies driving the inflation in health care. Insurance is part of the problem but also a symptom. Not insurance companies per se, but the advent of the insurance product. If you'd like me...
  17. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by reefraff He claims Lamar Alexander lied about insurance premiums going up if health care passes despite the fact the CBO is the saying it as well. Even Obama himself had to back track when he disputed Alexander's facts on Thursday. But here's the rub. Both Obama and...
  18. sickboy

    Is government broken?

    Yes, and here's why: I kid. I think we need term limits and to actually have the congressman read the bills instead of getting summaries from staffers.
  19. sickboy

    tea party ?'s and facts

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 lol so assuming that number is true, and I have no doubt that it is, you're talking a "correction" that would make the Great Depression look like childsplay... Exactly. Only enemies of America would try to go back to the gold standard. I pulled it from here...
  20. sickboy

    tea party ?'s and facts

    FYI- Only a little over 8% of the U.S.'s Reserve Assets are held in Gold Stock. Yeah, where is this Gold Standard crap coming from? That would only make things worse, NOT better.