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  1. treybom

    How To Frag?

  2. treybom

    Black and White Percula Question

    no but a black and white ocellaris might pair with a ocellaris clownfish theres no such thing as a black and white perc.. just a black and white ocellaris
  3. treybom

    Looking for...

    hey i was looking for a frag of these corals..... fiji leather... frogspawn... toadstool..... thanks please post/send pics!
  4. treybom

    How To Frag?

    ok sorry.. this might sound like a stupid question but could someone explain this to me>?? im just getting into the coral thing! thanks or you could post a link to a helpful thread! thanks o and if it matters its for zoos thomas
  5. treybom

    Contest..what color will this turn out to be?

    o come on!!!! this contest is rigged i tell ya!!!! lol
  6. treybom

    What size tank would i need for....?

    so would those fish posted with pictures work in a 135.... with no purple tang>?
  7. treybom

    Contest..what color will this turn out to be?

    im still winning!!!!! i guessed taht it would stay bleached!!!! you should set an enddate to the contest!
  8. treybom

    i need a huge algae eater!

    its not on the sand bed... its on the rocks... and by some coral... how did u remove it???? i heard emerald crabs would eat it....?
  9. treybom

    i need a huge algae eater!

    ok well ill start with info on my tank i have a 20 gal 20 lbs of lr 20 lbs of ls 1 firefish 1 royal gramma 1 scooter blenny 2 turbo snails 4-5 astrea snails not sure how many nassarius snails and about 6-8 hermit crabs my problem is various types of algae in the tank... i had hair algae but the...
  10. treybom

    starter corals

    well i just started my "reef" and i put in some zoos... i plan to get some xenia and shrooms in the future... i have 65 watts of pc lighting
  11. treybom

    lowest light anemone!?

    could i do a clam under 65 watts??
  12. treybom

    any tangs for a 55g

    test your water... what are the readings?
  13. treybom

    pom pom xenia avalible in chicago

    ygm is that pulsing xenia ?
  14. treybom

    any tangs for a 55g

    Originally Posted by connor the sites are trying to sell you stuff of course there gonna say some redicoulous answer!! notice... after that i said those are not always true!!!!!!!!!! and yes get a tang for your 55!! get a yellow!
  15. treybom

    pom pom xenia avalible in chicago

    hey , i might be interested... but cant email now....
  16. treybom

    how long until they open?

    i am patient im just wondering....geez!
  17. treybom

    how long until they open?

  18. treybom

    royal gramma questions!

    yup he is out and about now~!
  19. treybom

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    Originally Posted by Phixer Chuck Norris vs Clown Trigger who would win?[/B] simple, chuck norris.... clown triggers cant roundhouse kick!
  20. treybom

    The Giant Nano Tank Pic Thread

    Originally Posted by bigpete he's hosting my frogspawn. the lighting is just the standard pc lighting that came with the nano cube dlx. how many watts is that standard?