but a black and white ocellaris might pair with a ocellaris clownfish
theres no such thing as a black and white perc.. just a black and white ocellaris
ok sorry.. this might sound like a stupid question but could someone explain this to me>?? im just getting into the coral thing! thanks
or you could post a link to a helpful thread!
o and if it matters its for zoos
ok well ill start with info on my tank
i have a 20 gal
20 lbs of lr
20 lbs of ls
1 firefish
1 royal gramma
1 scooter blenny
2 turbo snails
4-5 astrea snails
not sure how many nassarius snails
and about 6-8 hermit crabs
my problem is various types of algae in the tank... i had hair algae but the...
Originally Posted by connor
the sites are trying to sell you stuff of course there gonna say some redicoulous answer!!
notice... after that i said those are not always true!!!!!!!!!!
and yes get a tang for your 55!! get a yellow!
Originally Posted by bigpete
he's hosting my frogspawn. the lighting is just the standard pc lighting that came with the nano cube dlx.
how many watts is that standard?