Originally Posted by fishissues
no but that looks like my hair alage its more of a thin redish alage
wait nvm yes it does to many differint types of it but i guess it is
Originally Posted by tat2tillidie
my shrimps never touch my shrooms when i frag them. i just leave them on the rock then cut it in half and sometimes i do it in four and they do good no prob healing. if you would like to see a video on fragging (reefkprz) on here has some good vids...
i like fire shrimp mine loves to hang on my eel i dont like emderal crabs though... they always disapear never to be seen again... what about a yellow tang? i like them or if you have alage growing a foxface?
I've been having this recent problem with my sand bed. A thin red alage film covers my sand bed and it i let it continue green hair alage forms. Any helping suggestions?
I'm soon planning on fragging my green haired mushrooms and it'll be my first time. After i make the cut what do i do? wash off the shroom in the aquarium or just wash it off in fresh water?
thanks for the help, also one more question i have a cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp, when i put the shroom in wouldnt the shrimps pick at it? Just like they pick at wounds and stuff?
ok so first i cut the shroom off the stalk then i cut the shroom in half then i put it in a container with live rock rubble then i cover it with a mesh like thing?
Originally Posted by nycbob
for the ric, just cut it where the mouth is.
what do u mean like in half? or cut just the mouth off? i'm very nervous because i've never done fragging.
I was thinking of fragging one of my rics and i havent done it before is it just like shrooms? it'll be my first time fragging to what method would u recomend is the most succesful?
Also i have some star polyps and there is hair alage growing on it and i try to pull it off but it just comes back...
Originally Posted by mie
Imo I would get new mushrooms than have a tank full of aiptaisia . You could frag the mushrooms off the rock than kill the rock. Very easy to do and mushrooms are very hardy. Also if you pick the aiptaisia off they will spread even worse.
well I dont realy know how to...
Originally Posted by mie
Pep shrimp.also if you just have the one rock I would take the rock out and kill the aiptasia. It is not worth it they will overrun your tank FAST.
yes but that rock has some mushrooms that id like to keep...
well i have a clown fish, yellow tang, and a snowflake eel about 2 feet, and also some frags and i think im kind of fished out for a 75 gallon also i think i have to many shrimp, i have 1 cleaner, 1 coral banded, 1 fire, and 3 peppermint
I got this piece of live rock and it had some mushrooms on it so thats why i got it but then i noticed the colonies of aiptasias. I got 3 peppermint shrimp from my lfs but the didnt do much and i have a 75 gallon aquarium. I thought of the calcium method but that might kill the mushrooms...