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  1. new2u

    NiTrAtEs and LiGhT-aTeS

    Ive got moonlights already so that shouldnt be a problem and I should run the halides for 10 hours a day?
  2. new2u

    Additions to Crew?

    Awww look at ARMLOCKER giveing advice and hes NEWER than me.. personally I would go with narsisous snails or queen conchs
  3. new2u

    NiTrAtEs and LiGhT-aTeS

    Ok after a seris of 5 gallon water changes I've knocked my nitrates down to 15 and was wondering if that was to high for corals. Is it? Oh and how long do you keep 20k Halides on during the day? I wouldn't be using any supplemental acentics either
  4. new2u

    Cycle in progress question

    well mine took a week too and i was hesitant but you are discribing ditoms which is a sign that your cycle is either near or fully complete. I would now suggest buying a clean up crew wait a while and then adding some fish. Personally I would go with 2 narisouss (spelling) 10 turbos 1 emrald...
  5. new2u

    Retarted question

    no nutritional value in the least, well I guess the spinella enriched does have some value l0l
  6. new2u

    Cycle in progress question

    well the bio wheel is most definatly dead i thought you said bio balls well one chromis is a pretty light amonia source I would be carefull about adding fish but it sounds like the "brown stuff" is diatoms which will die off and are a sign your cycle is complete
  7. new2u

    Cycle in progress question

    I assume that you put an amonia source in there AND if thats true it sounds like you never had a cycle. This happenss occasionally when you use live bioballs and live rock you have enough bacteria already. You just got lucky
  8. new2u

    Retarted question

    Ok this may be kind of stupid but I'd been feeding my fish brine and just bought some formula 1 because I was running out of brine and knew how bad it was for them and i had a question. Do I need to dissolve it like the brine shrimp or just throw it in?
  9. new2u

    Dead Crabs!!!

    well when i pressed on one it exploded and there was like nothing inside and the second one did too but there was some white fuzz on the inside was that one dead?
  10. new2u

    Dead Crabs!!!

    this might be a stupid question :rolleyes: but what does the meat look like?
  11. new2u

    Dead Crabs!!!

    well it could be a mold i guess i already took them out of the tank and I think the meat was in there but theres no way of really knowing i guess... ill go check...
  12. new2u

    what should I do to lower nitrates?

    DONT TAKE THE BIO BALLS OUT ALL AT ONCE i learned that one the hard way...
  13. new2u

    Dead Crabs!!!

    Ok first to clear everything up here are my prameters Amonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 15 Now here is my problem today I found not one but BOTH of my emrald crabs dead. Well I hadent seen them in forever and i had suspected they were dead for a while but are crabs canaries in the coal mine? Could...
  14. new2u

    Thank you ALL

    yea i cant wait, well maybe i can, clean up crew then lights i keep having to tell my self...
  15. new2u

    Thank you ALL

    yea once i get the halides...
  16. new2u

    Thank you ALL

    it to FOREVER and about 5 or 6 landslides before i got thisone and im gonna get a solid background soon i had that for when i wanted an aggressive setup
  17. new2u

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    yeah ill probably just have to give ya some $$ cuz my reef is still comin along :nervous:
  18. new2u

    Thank you ALL

  19. new2u

    Thank you ALL

    I just thought I'd show you how y'all have helped my tank so here is the before picture...
  20. new2u

    dying/missing scarlet hermits

    I'll buy it from you if you can find it