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  1. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by Flricordia Nice tank. I may have missed it but is that a Finnex? Sorry but what is a Finnex if you don't mind me asking.
  2. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Here are some of my corals
  3. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Here is my 125g, I got some more corals in there since these picture. I will take more I hope better pictures later.
  4. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by subielover Got any pics of the big fella I hang so much in the nano forum, I seldom get to see the nice big reefs Would you like me to post it here or I can email them to you. They are not real good pictures because I don't have a real good camera but I will still let you...
  5. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by subielover Did you use the rock that is in your bigger tank as well? Even if you did I would probably hold off on the fish for a week or so just to be safe, no point in rushing it Yes I use the rocks that were in there too, no problem I can wait that is a good idea, thanks.
  6. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 wow, looking good. How long did u wait for a cycle? I took the water out of my 125g tank and added new saltwater to my 125g, so an other words I did a water change on my 125g. I will be testing my nano later when my kids are asleep, and if everything is...
  7. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Here is the picture it is still clearing up.
  8. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Just finish filling up my nano, I will take pictures tomorrow when the tank clears up.
  9. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Do you think I can put a cap in there with those lights or would I have to upgrade my lights.
  10. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by subielover It's on the lower end as far as wpg, but with t-5's and a fairly shallow tank you would be fine with the lower light corals Zoas, softies, some lps, all would look great in the tank. I hear ya on trying to find a place for your tank in your apartment. I have the...
  11. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by patrick8929 very nice i like it so far. what are the specs on the light? also if it is by the window sunlight speeds up the growth of hair algee so you may want to try and relocate that if you can.. I wish I could relocate it but that is the only place I could put it, I...
  12. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic acrylic or glass? If its acrylic just watch the sand storms... don't want to scratch it lol. It is glass Originally Posted by Keebler I like that tank. Do you just stare at it and think of the possiblities? That is almost as fun as when one of those...
  13. redman1221

    So it begin my 12g Nano

    Here it is the beginning of my new nano, let me know what you all think.
  14. redman1221

    Starting a 12g nano tank

    Originally Posted by nissan577 perfect. keep us updated! and post pics as well I will, I keep seeing all these other nano made me want one so I will post alot of pictures.
  15. redman1221

    Starting a 12g nano tank

    Originally Posted by patrick8929 how deep is your tank? i would think like 6 inches off the top would be good. you can keep just about any thing with that many watts in that small of a tank I don't know how deep it is I don't have it in my possession yet I will be picking it up today...
  16. redman1221

    Starting a 12g nano tank

    I have a 175w 20k and a 14k and I could build something to have it sit up high enough from the water, so how high should it be from the water? Thanks again
  17. redman1221

    Starting a 12g nano tank

    Originally Posted by nissan577 well it depends on what type of corals you want. 32w for a 12 is really good. thats 3.66watts per gallon. mh are really for monti, birds nest, etc...(i dont know all the names). so i think that light is really good I would like to keep monti and whatever else, I...
  18. redman1221

    So it Begins...all 10 feet of it...

    That is messed up but I am glad your are getting another tank, sucks that you are going to have to wait another 5 weeks to get it.
  19. redman1221

    Starting a 12g nano tank

  20. redman1221

    Good Price?

    Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21 Medusa Worm for 39.99 and Thorny oyster for 49.99 (the oyster has two green rics on it) Yes that is a good price for the worm not sure about the oyster.