Search results

  1. booya

    Can I add coral or wait?

    I think that you should be fine. I would try some shrooms or yellow polyps. I have had good luck with them
  2. booya

    midwest people, where to get sand?

    How much sand are you looking for? I may have some info on how to get some.
  3. booya

    pistol and goby

    Thanks Reef_Magic will my CBS cause problems with the goby and the pistol
  4. booya

    FREE!!! Seattle

    I will talk to my freind and see what he has to say.
  5. booya

    FREE!!! Seattle

    How many do you have left? My freind lives in Seattle I will see what he says and maybe I will have him come pick some up for me.
  6. booya

    pistol and goby

    please I want to go to LFS and see what they have.
  7. booya

    pistol and goby

    I was just thinking of the next fish, invert to put into my tank. I was thinking a shrimp goby and a pistol shrimp or a 4 line wrasse. Are pistol shrimp good in a reef tank? Are they aggressive? With my LMB be mean to the goby? Are 4 lines ok with 6 lines? Any info is great Thanks Jake
  8. booya

    Oceanic Salt?

    mine works fine with it. I like this salt and it is cheaper than IO
  9. booya


    Anyone from Idaho?
  10. booya

    Teaching my clowns to host!

    Let me know. Please.
  11. booya

    Teaching my clowns to host!

    cool thanks. Good info.
  12. booya

    Teaching my clowns to host!

    If I find a pic of a toadstool leather and I get one and 2 percs they would host in it?
  13. booya

    deep sand?

    That is a lot of sand. What if you have 4 inches in you fuge and sump?
  14. booya

    New green star polyps won't open ...

    Me to makes me feel stupid. Like it was not a good question. Hope they open soon.
  15. booya

    deep sand?

    I added sand this weekend and was wondering if it was enough. I have 2-4 inches, probably an average of 2-1/2 to 3. Is this enough? I have heard you need 4 inches.
  16. booya

    New green star polyps won't open ...

    Give them time it took mine 2 days.
  17. booya

    Teaching my clowns to host!

    Can you do this to make them host in other things also. If so what?
  18. booya

    Teaching my clowns to host!

    Your joking right
  19. booya


    bump:D :confused:
  20. booya

    Emperor 400

    Thank for the info everyone.