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  1. steelrain

    dead Lionfish

    Today my lionfish died!!! I checked all the water parameters yesterday and they were all fine, the fish looked fine except its eyes were a LITTLE cloudy, Today it about half of the scales on one side look like they are missing (a big white patch) there are no other fish in the tank, The last...
  2. steelrain

    does anyone know of classifieds adds such " on the east coast

    Try <a href="" target="_blank"></a> from new jersey to maine I believe
  3. steelrain

    Can fish really taste

    can fish taste the food they eat and that is why some fish in the same species like different food types? do you think they can accually taste or is it more the texture? Just a gee-wizz question!!!!
  4. steelrain

    feeding a lionfish

    Alright, I bought a 2 1/2--> 3 inch Black lion on friday, I did not try to feed it until sunday. I tried placing a piece of beef heart for the lfs on a wooden skewer, the kind fot shiska-bobs, it was not interseted I then tried a silverside the same way and it was still not interseted. Am I...
  5. steelrain

    water change

    My tank is just about at the end of the cycle, ammo is 0 nitrite= .250 nitrate = over 10 should I do a water change now or wait until the cycle has finished?
  6. steelrain

    snowflake clean-up crew

    would it be wise to add a clean up crew without shrimp with a snowflake eel in the tank or would he just eat them? How about a starfish? If it is a good idea,then which snails or crabs or starfish would best suit my needs, there will be a dwarf lion and a small snowflake in a 55gal, not to much...
  7. steelrain

    bring back the aquarium, PLEASE!

    Please bring back the aquarium, until they do here is the link <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  8. steelrain

    Ammo Cycle ?????

    My 55 gal has been runnng for a little over a week with no live rock or live sand and 5 damsels, my ammo has not really moved,it is at about .250 and has been that way since the day after I added the fish(12-27-01)a little over a week, is this normal? All the other specs are OK ph=8.2...
  9. steelrain

    Tank cycling

    My 55 gal has been runnng for a little over a week with no live rock or sand and 5 damsels, my ammo has not really moved,it is at about .250 and has been that way since the day after I added the fish(12-27-01) is this normal? All the other specs are OK ph=8.2 temp=around 80 S.G = 1.023
  10. steelrain

    Picasso vs. Bursa Triggers

    I would go with the picasso, like you said they do have much better color and I hear they are just as hardy as the Bursa. I to live in Rhode Island, What town is the LFS you use in? I have been using one in North Smithfield, but would like to check others out also. ;)
  11. steelrain

    fish losing color when added

    I added 3 damsels to my 55gal today and I noticed the colors faded shortly after I added them The light was off and the room was fairly dark. About 5 hours later the colors were back to normal. Is this a normal ocurrance due to fear or stress from changing tanks?
  12. steelrain

    Cycling w/ damsels

    I have a 55gal tank w/ a Tetratec PF500 filter and a Fluval 4Plus filter, that I am starting up within the week, My question is how many damesels do I need to cycle the tank, 25 lbs of live rock is out of the question since I am a little short on funds thanxs to christmas, But I may buy around 5...
  13. steelrain

    Volitan Lion Question

    I have a 55 gal FO with about 40lbs of CC, no live sand but I plan on adding live rock a little at a time. I was wondering if after the tank is fully cycled would it be safe to add a VOLITAN lion or should i wait a while. I eventual want a lion, a trigger or some sort and a tang. Will these fish...
  14. steelrain

    Tetratec PF500 (good or not)

    I am setting up a 55gal fish only tank,I have never had a salt tank before. I have a Fluval 4Plus and I need to get one more filter. I am considering the Tetratec PF500 with the internal heater. Any info on this(good or bad) is appreciated. Also is there a need for an air pump and stone or will...