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  1. bluto

    Diatom bloom...

    I got a heck of a diatom bloom when my tank approached the end of the cycle. I heard that it was normal and would probably go away on it's own but I got a cleaning crew anyway. For the most part it's now gone (don't know whether to attibute it to the crew or not?) but I still have some on the...
  2. bluto

    stocking question??? need opinions..

    I agree with Lynda... Although I don't have an agressive tank (I have a 90g community), I have a 4" DSB which has done wonders in controlling my nitrates. I don't think aggressive/non-aggressive has anything to do with it. I think the real question is...does any sandsifting/sandstirring fish...
  3. bluto

    Quarantine/Treatment Tank Question

    I just set up a QT (which I intend to use for all new purchases) and was kind of wondering the same thing. My tank is new so I'm (hopefully) going to be adding new fish on a regular (slowly) it makes sense to keep the QT up and running. I've got a small sponge filter (rated for a 30g...
  4. bluto

    Blenny exhibiting odd behaviour

    Oh, by the way... After I added the 3 fish my system went thru a 2nd, mini cycle. Am rose to .25 and NO2 rose to a high of .2 however those readings have since come down. It had occurred to me that the high nitrite readings (which lasted for 3-4 days) might have caused stress and contributed to...
  5. bluto

    Blenny exhibiting odd behaviour

    Hi, I have a question. When my 90g finished cycling about 2wks ago I added 2 small false percs and a bicolor blenny. About 2 days ago I noticed the blenny diving into the sandbed (not headfirst, more with his tailend) almost as if he were trying to scratch himself. At about the same time I...
  6. bluto

    Cycling question for Trey and others

    In the "for what it's worth" dept... My 90g finished cycling about 2wks ago and my nitrates have been about 2.5 ever since...with or without water changes (I've been doing them anyway). At the end of the cycle I added 2 small false percs and a bicolor blenny which seemed to trigger a 2nd mini...
  7. bluto

    A bad protein skimmer

    I just got the Remora Pro hangon skimmer last week. My tank is 3 1/2wks old. I just plugged it in, no break-in period, no adjusting anything, and I started getting dry foam and disgusting yellowish slime. It was great. :D Unfortunately it was over $200 and I believe a prizm is alot cheaper...
  8. bluto

    Quarantine filtration...

    I read a book which suggests running a sponge filter in your main tank and then transfering it to your QT whenever it's needed. Bluto
  9. bluto

    Setting up a new tank, need advice on third fish...

    Chip, I've heard the Bluejaw triggers are one of the more docile varieties. I'm interested in getting one for my 90g and would appreciate any input. Is yours docile? Thanks. Bluto
  10. bluto

    Dry Foam??

    Thanks. I'm just glad you didn't tell me I had to taste it. Bluto :D
  11. bluto

    Is this tank overcrowded?

    I'm a newbie to saltwater, but... After lurking for awhile I get the impression that overcrowding with peaceful community fish "might" be acceptable...but overcrowding with an aggressive species is probably not a good idea. And mixing peaceful and aggressive fish in an overcrowded tank is...a...
  12. bluto

    anyone keep tank temp mid 80's?

    Interesting question... Most of the books I have say temp should be around 75-79 but LFS says it should be higher. Same thing with SG. Don't ask me... I'm new. Bluto
  13. bluto

    Dry Foam??

    Can somebody explain "dry foam" to me. I just finished cycling a 90g fowlr and purchased an Aqua C Remora Pro skimmer. From what I've read about skimmers...they all need adjustment and the trick is to adjust them so you get a nice..."dry foam". But what the heck is..."dry foam"? My particular...
  14. bluto

    shrimp cycle side effect

    My 90g just finished cycling in less than 2wks and I experienced a pretty big brown algae problem. I don't know if it's any worse than normal because this is my first saltwater tank but it seemed pretty bad to me. I'm planning on getting a cleaning crew to take care of it but it's now 15days...
  15. bluto

    Tank cycled but no nitrates??

    Thanks. Bluto
  16. bluto

    Tank cycled but no nitrates??

    I just finished cycling my first saltwater tank. The specs are: 90g, emperor 400 biowheel powerfilter, 15-20lbs LR, 4" sand bed which is approx 25% LS and 75% oolitic, cycled with raw shrimp. Here's my question...the tank appears to be finished cycling but I'm getting a zero/minimal nitrate...
  17. bluto

    Cycling w/raw shrimp?

    Pati (is that the correct spelling??), I left my shrimp in until they got really disgusting (come to think of it...they're still in there). My question I need to throw more in there even though my tank has cycled. In other I need to "feed" the bacteria until I get fish? Bluto
  18. bluto


    I guess part of it comes down to your feelings on the whole cycling process. There's a school of thought that says cycling with fish (i.e. damsels, etc.) is cruel in and of itself. In other words the fish go thru so much stress and adversity that it's really not fair considering there are other...
  19. bluto

    anyone had any experience with rectangular triggers?

    As long as we're on the subject...what exactly is a "rectangular" trigger. I'm interested in getting a trigger after an upgrade to a 150g (I currently have a 90g) and have heard the Huma and Black Finned triggers are among the more docile species but I'm unfamiliar with the rectangular. What...
  20. bluto

    anyone had any experience with rectangular triggers?

    I'm not an expert...but is a 65g big enough for 2 triggers and lion??? Bluto