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  1. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Black tar is digested blood. Probably from the original problem with the bowel infection. If she is passing real soft stools you might consider cottage cheese or american cheese. these usually help form up the stools. You might even need some 'probiotics'...I use the vanilla yogurt called...
  2. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Sometimes a dog or cat comes home from an animal hospital with the smells of lots of other dogs and cats. The other healthy animals at home either want to investigate these smells...or does not recognize the animal because of the foreign smells.....which makes the hospitalized pet angry or...
  3. al mc

    Sick Doggie

  4. al mc


    Not that specific one. I have the sysstem by Aqua Illuminations know as SOL. They are 24 mixed colored 3 watt CREE bulbs per unit.
  5. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Excellent news. As far as 'pooping'....even though they have been force feeding her and she has been eating some for you she really has not had that much food over the last week. If she is OK otherwise and just a little constipated then your vets or i can give you lots of advice to get things...
  6. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    I suspect no news is good news over this weekend. Give us a report Monday after they recheck blood values and give you an assessment of how she did over the weekend.
  7. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    I am glad she is showing progress. You are correct about long term medication. Some of these guys stay on corticosteroids for months. Based on the comments from your vet, your hubby and maybe an active household it sounds like a good plan to leave her for a couple days...coupled with the...
  8. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by novahobbies Boy, that WBC count is awfully high for a patient who has no overt infection indicated. I realize that the red marrow centers might be kicking into overdrive (also indicated by the polychromasia and anisocytosis....) but doesn't this still seem more...
  9. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    I live in an area where there are several large (mine is average at 5 vets) veterinary practices and we have two 24/7 care speciality hospitals within 20 minutes and Univ. of pennsylvania vet school 1 hour away. Second opinions are common as are referals to specialists. Before starting this...
  10. al mc

    Sick Doggie

  11. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer I am scared to get my hopes up again....BUT I am NOT ready to give up!!!! The neoplasia test (??) she told me detects cancer...IDK I just wrote what she said why do you have ?? after the transfusion statement? ?? because you can always find a vein if you...
  12. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer WELL....I just talked to the DR....She gave Pixie the nausea medicine and she ate all the chicken I left for her.....she then ate the dr's leftover lunch..LOL Excellent! They CAN NOT do the transfusion today as it seems the veins collapsed, so she will wait...
  13. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer OH YEAH...I did ask about the food I fed her yesterday, and they said she did not throw it up....BUT they had also given her a med for nausea yesterday.....but not today....MAYBE that had something to do with her lack of appetite tonight......I wil lask them...
  14. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry Your seed of doubt is planted.... go get a second opinion. PLEASE! I think your case is beyond their means. I agree Pixie should be there at this point...... but with 24/7 care. There is still no reason for her to be there based on the level of care she's...
  15. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer OK...not so good today....when I got there she got up on her front legs, but did not try to approach...she did lick me ... BUT she would not touch the food....I tried to have her sniff it, I placed it against her mouth, NOTHING :( I did not try to force...
  16. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    I sent you a PM from my phone but not sure if you got it. Since I read that it is not a 24/7 place I would ask if after her evening treatments you can take her home, especially if she eats for you. Certainly you will have to keep her away from excessive stressor (other energenic dog). You can...
  17. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Dexamethasone and tetracycline combo is appropriate. It will be a few days before the jaundice subsides but normal temp./positive attitude (trying to bite veterinary staff is a good sign...isn't that what we all would do if strangers are sticking needles into us when we don't understand that...
  18. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    4. Still running a fever? 5. Same, more or less jaundiced?
  19. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Don't want to step on any toes as we all practice differently..not good versus bad..just different. If she is not eating on her own by tomorrow I would actually ask my client to visit their pet. While it might be slightly upsetting for her when you leave sometimes seeing a familiar face is...
  20. al mc

    Sick Doggie

    Sent you a PM. Sorry for typos in PM. Traveling in car and texting ( not while driving )