I know this isn't related to your dilema but if your going to get a diamond goby you should really get a pistol shrimp the have a symbiotic relationship the pair would make very cool and unique addition to your tank
I've heard that watchman goby and pistol shrimps(when you put one of each together)have a cool sybiotic relationship is this true. if so some pics of them and some info would be really helpful.
I've heard that watchman goby and pistol shrimps(when you put one of each together)have a cool sybiotic relationship is this true. if so some info on them would be really helpful.
P.S If you have them some pics they would be much apricated
Thanks texas metal but I have a slight prob the thing is that I live in western canada and it's near impossiable to get an octo let alone a specific one
but i'm liking the sound of an O. Vulgaris
p.s awsome pics
here's the thing i want to take FW blackfin sharks and put them into Sw
I already know it's possible I just what to know how to do it and the risks(if there are any)
any info would be helpful
I have 125 gal tank with 350 gallons worth of filtration on it and will soon have a skimmer on it.My question is there a speices of shark, ray or some thing similar that I can keep (please give as much info on your suggestions).