30 gal tank, 40 lbs LS, 40 lbs LR, 8 nass, 6-7 turbos, 6-7 blue leg hermits and 2 false percs. Probably going to get a small conch and some cerith snails this week.
i would thin it would be ok they get to be like 5" but they dont really need a lot of swimming room they just dig holes and go in and out...so make sure ur rock is on the bottom of ur tank with sand around it cuz the can make rocks shift if they get under them
I know this isn't related to your dilema but if your going to get a diamond goby you should really get a pistol shrimp the have a symbiotic relationship the pair would make very cool and unique addition to your tank
if i were to get this fish and i had Crushed coral would you recommend not getting it, just wondering, becuz i do want to get a goby and this is a beautiful goby, thanks, and also i think the goby should be fine in the 30.
Originally Posted by Veeraj87 http:///forum/post/2522910
if i were to get this fish and i had Crushed coral would you recommend not getting it, just wondering, becuz i do want to get a goby and this is a beautiful goby, thanks, and also i think the goby should be fine in the 30.
Im not sure but i dont think CC and a goby is a good mix.Sharp edges ...Ouch
Would a pistol shrimp and a cleaner shrimp be ok together? I would like to get one of those too eventually. Then one more fish (not sure what) eventually, and I'll be all set!
I have a diamond goby....and love him....he's active and always out front for everyone to see...howver I wouldn't put a diamond goby in a tank with Crushed Coral....these fish instinctively burrow into the sand and create tunnels where they hide at night...and spend ALLLL day sifting sand into their mouth cleaning up waste old food and detrius....
Read up on pistol shrimp.....I got one (less than an inch) as a hitchiker on one of my corals...freaked me out and gave me a mantis shrimp scare....there is a real cool video on youtube, actually of a pistol shrimp killing a cleaner...type in pistol shrimp or clicking shrimp....you'll learn a lot about these animals....they often make a clicking noise as their larger claw is like, well a pistol...which they use to stun prey....depends on the size...most people would tell you it will be ok but in a 30 gallon...I would do a bit more research....IMO you definately need reef sand for either of these two animals
OK, thanks. I'm slowly trying to tank most of the crushed coral out of the tank with a net, leaving just the finer sand that will slip through the net. Was getting some waste stuck under the larger pieces that the cleaners couldn't get to, and think it was contributing to my nitrates staying up around 10.
Yeah I made the mistake of using C.C. in the first tank I ever started.....I will use sand from here on out...I think it looks better, provides a more natural environment...and allows your cleanup crew to get to all the stuff that falls to the bottom.....C.C. is too much maintenance and traps too much waste...