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  1. leftyblite

    Question about chillers

    Thanks fo the advice Blue Oasis. I'm going to start saving for that along with everything else. :happyfish
  2. leftyblite

    Question about chillers

    Madison, Its funny, I was there last night picking up the stand for my aquarium. :happyfish
  3. leftyblite

    Question about chillers

    Madison, Fontana is where my family got the tank. David is a really nice guy and very knowledgable, once you you can understand him. They bought the stand unfinished and saved a few hunderd $$$. I'm going to stain and seal it in the very near future. Sorry Bergovoy, I lived near there in...
  4. leftyblite

    Question about chillers

    Thanks Madison. I know the place in SB that you are talking about. I watched them sell a gentleman and his daughter 2 pacus for their new 10G tank and told them that the fish would only get as large as the tank. I turned around and walked out the door. I go to a place either in Redlands or in...
  5. leftyblite

    Question about chillers

    My family surprised me this year with an early birthday/christmas present of a 150G tank with canopy and stand. I'am planning on eventually setting it up as a reef tank with a couple of small fish. This is going to take a while as I need to save up for all the items that will be needed, plus...
  6. leftyblite

    Need advice on power heads

    Thanks for the info crzyfshygy. I'am leaning towards the reef tank so your recomendations really help. I've been wanting a large tank for awhile now, so it was surprise when the whole family chipped in and gave it to me. I want to make sure this is done right even if it means waiting a little...
  7. leftyblite

    Need advice on power heads

    I was just given an early birthday/christmas present from my family consisting of a 150G tank with canopy and stand. I'am planning on eventually making it into either a fowler tank or a reef tank. This is going to take a while(3-6months) since I still have to save up for everything else. I'am...
  8. leftyblite

    Death of a Clownfish

    R/O Water :joy:
  9. leftyblite

    Death of a Clownfish

    The LFS said my water was fine but that I should probably wait a couple of weeks before adding any more fish, in the meantime I'm getting my QT tank set up. :joy:
  10. leftyblite

    adding salt

    How long has the tank been up and running? What kind of lighting is in there? Are there any powerheads? Have you tested your water yet for amonia, nitritr, nitrate, etc? Being relatively new to this hobby myself these are all questions that need to be looked at before any fish or corals are bought.
  11. leftyblite

    Death of a Clownfish

    I used the drip method and checked water until SG the same. This is what the LFS also said to do when acclimating. I do have a powerhead in the tank. The LFS I went to was receommended by several of my friends who have saltwater tanks. Thanks for the help
  12. leftyblite

    Death of a Clownfish

    I need some help here. I've had my 12G nano cube up and running for over 6 weeks now. I waited until amonia, nitrate, nitrite was down to 0, then did a 50% water change and waited until everything was 0 again. I put in a cleanup crew 2 weeks ago. Last week I bought a percula clownfish and a...
  13. leftyblite

    I am sure this has been asked before...but....

    Another good book is "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Palleta. This book plus the book by Fenner plus this forum are great ways to start out right in this very addictive hobby.
  14. leftyblite

    I'm sure this is a dumb question...

    Best to get a timer. My lights are only on approx 10Hrs a day.
  15. leftyblite

    Attack of the Yellow Tang.

    I've heard this is common on some yellow tangs, as they can tend to be motherly.
  16. leftyblite

    New Tank Help

    Welcome to the forums, this is a great place to get advice and help on your tank. Be careful with your LFS store, some are just in the business to make money and not properly help a beginner. I had one LFS store near me that told me I could keep a shark in a 30G tank. I laughed at him and walked...
  17. leftyblite

    Question about 12g nanocube

    Nanos are great. Good idea with the rubble. I've had mine running for about a month now with no problems. :joy:
  18. leftyblite

    Live rock question

    Thanks for the help drew.
  19. leftyblite

    Live rock question

    With the live rock turning white, is it dead or will it eventually come back? :help:
  20. leftyblite

    Live rock question

    Actually it has gone through the cycle. It has been running for over 3 weeks now. The amonia went up to .50 for a few days and then dropped to 0. The nitrites went to 5.0 before dropping to 0. The nitrates went to 40 before dropping off to 0. I waited almost a week after everything went to 0...