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  1. razzle

    Hippo Tang

    Yes you are both right, I took the fish back to the store. I was planning on starting a 125g, this month but my plans have changed due to work schedule and travel thanks
  2. razzle

    Hippo Tang

    I have a small Blue Hippo Tang, its losing its blue around its eye All my levels test fine. The fish hides alot near the heater, and my other fish are a australian clown and a flavivertix pseudo? Can some one tell me whats happing to my tang ? Also i was thinking off adding another fish, is this...
  3. razzle

    Is my tank done cycling

    Not sure about the nano reef Just yet. Everyone keeps telling me its hard to keep a 15g tank. So i will just be keeping fish for right now. I really only set the tank up to get my daughter a nemo fish but i'm starting to get the bug that i want a bigger tank, and build a nice reef. Thinking...
  4. razzle

    Is my tank done cycling

    I'm Purchased a Australian clown and a flavivertex psedo
  5. razzle

    Is my tank done cycling

    I'm using Marine Lab test kit from red sea
  6. razzle

    Is my tank done cycling

    Thanks, My tank has been cycling for 34 days now, all levels went through the roof, and now are zero except ammonia, did a water change and level is still the same, any suggestions. my tank size is 15g, have 1 damsel, and 4 turbo snails to help with the algea growth
  7. razzle

    Is my tank done cycling

    Hi, My Nitrate & Nitrite levels are now a zero, but my Ammonina is at .25. Is my cycle finished ? Should i do a water change to get the Ammonia down to zero ? Can I add a new Fish ?
  8. razzle

    can a Cycling tank stop ?

    thanks, saltcreep Good side note, that could be my problem, i've noticed food sitting on the bottom after i feed, i will reduce the amount of food
  9. razzle

    can a Cycling tank stop ?

    No, i haven't done any water changes yet, just topping off when water gets low, right now i'm just using distelled water, till i get an r/o
  10. razzle

    can a Cycling tank stop ?

    Hi, My tank has been cycling for 27 days now, I test the tank every 3 days. The last 3 times i tested the tank, the levels have been the at the same level. nh is at .25, no3 1.0 no4 25-200, ph 8.2, alk 1.022. My questions are is this normal ? Can a cycle stop ? Oh yeah its a 15g, with one damsel...
  11. razzle

    Alkalinity Levels

    Now i'm really confused, LOL I thought that if your alk was high that your Ph would be unstable ? Is that true ? Could you reccomend a good test kit for alk and cal. Thanks
  12. razzle

    Alkalinity Levels

    :notsure: What are safe Levels of Alkalinity ? My test kit shows Low, Normal High. My last reading is High. My PH has been Steady at 8.2. This is a fish only tank on its 16 day of cycling.