Yeeessss, Now we are thinking.....Practicle......Is this tank for you, or for your daughter.....?.....My advice to you would be to start a 55gal......plenty big enough to start a nice reef tank, but not so big that if your daughter loses interest in a few months, you won't be out a lot of money. I have 2 Nemos in my tank ( one is actually a Miss Nemo) a beautiful Yellow tang ( the best fish ever) a lawnmower blenny ( I call him the "pup"), and a Green Mandarin......he is "stunning". I have about 5 different kinds of corals, and my time that I spend maintaing the tank is a few hours a month. I spend more time keeping up my dog and cats....and birds. Definitely worth the effort. Anyway, it's up to you, but you will spend as much time and effort with a 15g, as you would a 55g or a 75g, as far as maintenence goes. Good luck.....:happyfish