Is my tank done cycling


New Member
Hi, My Nitrate & Nitrite levels are now a zero, but my Ammonina is at .25. Is my cycle finished ?
Should i do a water change to get the Ammonia down to zero ?
Can I add a new Fish ?


Active Member
Were your Nitrite levels previously more than 0? If they were then went down, they your cycle is probably over. If you still have ammonia either you need to take out some of what's causing the ammonia (fish, frozen shrimp) or you need to increase your bio filter size or just do a water change.
If you do a water change and get your ammonia down you should be good to go on some fish.
:joy: :happyfish


Active Member
Often times, some test kits will give a "false" reading on ammonia after a cycle...
If you had high (measurable ) ammounts of Ammonia and NitrIe and now thy have dropped to 0 you should be good to go...
How long have you been cycling your tank...?


New Member
Thanks, My tank has been cycling for 34 days now, all levels
went through the roof, and now are zero except ammonia, did a water change and level is still the same, any suggestions.
my tank size is 15g, have 1 damsel, and 4 turbo snails to help with the algea growth


Active Member
Could be a false reading from you test kit like Squidd said. You could try some test strips or buy an ammonia test kit and see if you get the same results.
Looks like your cycle is over and you're ready for fish. :jumping: Make sure you add fish slowly and don't add too many. Monitor your levels and if things get out of hand, you may have too many fish or not enough filter. Keep your mechanical filters clean (filter floss, foam, etc.) and it will help keep your Nitrates down.


Active Member
The good news are probably done cycling...
The not so good news is...with a 15 gallon you can really only add "A" fish...maybe two if you remove the damsel...
What kind of fish are you looking at...?
(hint: Don't say Tang...)


Active Member
That's cool...
So, are you headed for a little Nano/mini reef...?
Or just a couple fish for now...?


You "did' a water change? You prolonged your cycle. Even if you didn't, with such a small tank, things can change quickly. I wouldn't add anything till all your readings are zero, cause in a tank that small, you are going to get a rise in ammo with any addition. Even if it is a false reading, I would rather err on the side of safety, and ASSume the test is accurate, until proven otherwise.


New Member
Not sure about the nano reef Just yet. Everyone keeps telling me its hard to keep a 15g tank. So i will just be keeping fish for right now.
I really only set the tank up to get my daughter a nemo fish
but i'm starting to get the bug that i want a bigger tank, and build a nice reef. Thinking about 90g or 125g


Yeeessss, Now we are thinking.....Practicle......Is this tank for you, or for your daughter.....?.....My advice to you would be to start a 55gal......plenty big enough to start a nice reef tank, but not so big that if your daughter loses interest in a few months, you won't be out a lot of money. I have 2 Nemos in my tank ( one is actually a Miss Nemo) a beautiful Yellow tang ( the best fish ever) a lawnmower blenny ( I call him the "pup"), and a Green Mandarin......he is "stunning". I have about 5 different kinds of corals, and my time that I spend maintaing the tank is a few hours a month. I spend more time keeping up my dog and cats....and birds. Definitely worth the effort. Anyway, it's up to you, but you will spend as much time and effort with a 15g, as you would a 55g or a 75g, as far as maintenence goes. Good luck.....:happyfish