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  1. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    no doubt!!
  2. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    There's an old saying don't fix what isn't broke
  3. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    The new lights have been on for maybe 3 weeks
  4. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    Before i bought the new lights i was running 4-Current 10k 4-Current 460nm & everything was doing great?
  5. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    100 gal, 54w T5HO
  6. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    No issues, is the light set up ok?
  7. chargerdan

    Whats going on?

    I just recently purcahsed new t-5 lights for my fish tank and now see things fading in my tank, Zena, Pollups, Ricardia, & others.....HELP! 4-ATI Blue Pluses 2-UVL Super Actinics 2-UVL Aquasuns
  8. chargerdan

    T5 Help

    Tanks Justin
  9. chargerdan

    wheres the bugs?

    He eats anything i put in the tank you still think he will die, how do i start a refugium?
  10. chargerdan

    T5 Help

    Does anyone else have an opinion?
  11. chargerdan

    wheres the bugs?

    I only have two fish at this time 1 - Clown & 1 - Target mandarin, No fuge
  12. chargerdan

    wheres the bugs?

    I used to see alot of cocopods in my tank now i dont see any is there anything i can do to get them back?
  13. chargerdan

    T5 Help

    Thanks, I'll give it a try!
  14. chargerdan

    T5 Help

    I currently have a 48" Current 8 x 54W set up, 4 - 10K & 4 - 460NM on a 100 Gal reef & its time to change bulbs I'm still new at this & would like to get some suggestions on what bulbs to buy, & where ...HELP