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  1. sterlingace

    Eel Setup cleaning crew

    Thanks for the reply.Shame then the tessy will have to go soon and I really like the little bugger.
  2. sterlingace

    Eel Setup cleaning crew

    Hey everybody.Well I finally got my 412gal setup.It's not cycled yet but it's getting there.I'm going to add my 2 eels,a zebra and tesselata.Is there any clean up crew that could safely be added?Also I read and saw photos of a coral banded shrimp safely cohabing with it really...
  3. sterlingace

    Please help urgently!!! Fish Dead

    Yes I will be using the 43gal as a quarantine setup. I went to look at the setup which is very nice.The dimensions are 120"x26"x32" Would this be ok for the lion,eels,betta and tang?
  4. sterlingace

    Please help urgently!!! Fish Dead

    Ok my apologies Beth.Thanks for all the info guys.The reef setup was at my local lfs up and running for about 3months.We took it apart but kept the filter media,live rock and all the gravel/sand wet.The trip to my house took about 1.5min.We also kept the water from the tank and added that.I...
  5. sterlingace

    Please help urgently!!! Fish Dead

    Luckily the tank size issue will be sorted out this weekend since I'm going to buy a 410gal in which the tang,eels,lion and betta are going to live in.The epsom salt was the only consistent remedy that I could find on the web that would/could help with the cloudy eye.Also I have been doing daily...
  6. sterlingace

    Please help urgently!!! Fish Dead

    I have no idea what is going on and Im desperate to save my fish.I have been keeping fresh for 8years and started marines at the end of January.I currently have 3 setups: 100gal Reef setup: 5 Common Clown 2 Green Chromis 1 Coral Beauty Angel 1 Midnight Dwarf Angel 1 Royal Grammar 1 Yellow Tang 2...