Eel Setup cleaning crew


New Member
Hey everybody.Well I finally got my 412gal setup.It's not cycled yet but it's getting there.I'm going to add my 2 eels,a zebra and tesselata.Is there any clean up crew that could safely be added?Also I read and saw photos of a coral banded shrimp safely cohabing with it really possible?Also what about cleaner shrimp?What other fish can I add with them?I was thinking along the lines of 2 lionfish and maybe a foxface.Could this work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SterlingAce
Hey everybody.Well I finally got my 412gal setup.It's not cycled yet but it's getting there.I'm going to add my 2 eels,a zebra and tesselata.Is there any clean up crew that could safely be added?Also I read and saw photos of a coral banded shrimp safely cohabing with it really possible?Also what about cleaner shrimp?What other fish can I add with them?I was thinking along the lines of 2 lionfish and maybe a foxface.Could this work?

I would imagine the
Maybe some Rather large hermits..
Aw might see this and chime in..


IMO - A shrimp with Eels it's 50/50 chance, however if you get Lions they will eat them for sure. Maybe those large strawberry crabs???


Active Member
I keep a cleaner shrimp with multiple morays without a problem. I have also seen them with big eels but as I stated on the other forum. The Tessy will get huge and attack other fish in time.


Wait. its not a good idea to Put a Zebra with a tesselata. The tesselata would kill the zebra soon after. my tessey ate my Zebra. they were the same size when i put them in the tank. but the tessy grew much more faster.


Active Member
the essy will kill every and anything you put int he tank eventually.. if not at first sooner or later.. maybe not a year maybe not two years but one day you will come home to an empty tank and a very happy tessy eel for such thing as a tessythat gets along with ANY other animal


i would add triggers i have an tessy with triggers and two large puffers the tessy does not touch any of my fish if anything my triggers pick at him.