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    GlassCages canopys

    Does anyone have pics of there canopys if yuo do email me
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    20gal acrylic tenecor

    Yea i think it will do but it depends on how u want it to connect to the fuge. Shipping wont be that expensive.
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    The Worlds Bigest Nano Thread!!

    Well here my 12 gallon tell me what you guys think?
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    First Pic of 10 Gallon

    Lookin good keep us posted.
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    my neon goby

    Originally posted by MarksMagic 15 is even expensive for any of em. they have a shot lifespan little over a year, and are teeny tiny Well they say that they can live up to 2 years and I think 15 is worth it for one of those cool little guys.
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    Can I please see some 30 Gallon Reef Tanks?

    Hey broomer do you have a recent pic of you tank?
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    Starting a new 250g

    If i were u i would get the people who u are ordering it from to drill it for you. You wouldnt want that baby to crack on u.
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    royal dottyback get along with these fish?

    Yea they are pretty aggressive if i were u i would by a fairly small one.
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    Yellow Tang nuts! Voltage in Tank...Need help!

    Man thats strange. Hope u figure out the problem though.
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    Protein skimmers?

    i like that drawing ur a real artists lol J/k.
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    Ok i have a 29g and i want to put the CPR AquaFuge 24 inch hang-on. But my concern is that it might be to heavy for my tank well what do you guys think? The fuge will hold 5 gallons. So should I go with the 18" which is 3.7 gallons?
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    RIP Darrell Russell (NHRA Top Fuel Driver)

    Man that sucks real bad i watch NHRA all the time on ESPN and when i was little i went to every race there was. Man that must really suck for the guys family.
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    T5 or VHOs?

    Yea i think ill just get VHO to be safe.
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    K thanks.
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    20gal acrylic tenecor

    yes its still for sale its 20x10x10
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    Ok i want to make my 75 agg. and i was wonderin would 2 48" VHOs be enough to light up the tank?
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    T5 or VHOs?

    oh well thanks anyway
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    T5 or VHOs?

    Bump for Kip.
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    Hey Kip got a question?

    thats fine ill just do what sandman told me to do. But can you check under the reef forum and look into T5 or VHO? Plz?
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    T5 or VHOs?

    Ok i can get 300w of VHOs or i can get 96w (4x24)of T5 but the T5 come with special reflectors that direct the light down into the tank and increase the output by 300%.. So im askin is which would give me a wide choice of corals. I want the brightest lights possible with out goin MH.