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    id q and just a q

    hey cindy what part of Fl. are u in?I live in bradenton
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    Fuge help!

    this is how I want mine to look.
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    Fuge help!

    I want it just like it is in the pic cause i have nowhere else to put it.
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    Fuge help!

    Can you guys give me an idea how to set this up? cause im goin to make the 10g a fuge for my 29.
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    How does this clean up crew sound for a 29g reef?

    ok heres an update tell me what you think? - Astraea Turbo Snail 5=$4.50 - Cerith Snail 5=$6.00 - Nassarius Snail 5=$6.00 - Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab 5=$12.50 - Peppermint Shrimp 2=$7.00 - Queen Conch - Aquacultured 1=$5.00
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    Anthia Going thru DRASTIC color change ?

    could i put a pair of lyerail anthias in a 29 gal? or is that to small?
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    How does this sound

    Ok i will.
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    Anthia Going thru DRASTIC color change ?

    how many gallons do they need to be in?
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    what eats hair algae?

    i would run a posphate pad. i had hair algea and i got a urchin and he ate it within 3 days.
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    well i want frogspawns and hammers,brains and etc.
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    How does this sound

    well ill have a good system goin. im goin to make a 10 gallon fuge.
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    so would you guys reccomend one for my 29g reef.
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    How does this sound

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    I hear everyone talk about it what do you need it for?
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    How does this sound

    Ok ill minus the wrass and the sailfin and get a sixline wrasse and another tomato. my tank has been set up since december i have a magnum filter a powerhead and a skimmer and a bio wheel.
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    How does this sound

    How does this sound for a 29g reef with 40lbs. of carribean Lr? Fish - Tomato Clown - SailfinBlenny $ 13.99 - Neon Blue Goby $18.99 - Yellowhead Jawfish $18.99 - Cleaner Common Wrasse $9.99 - Fridmani Pseudochromis $26.99 Clean up crew - Astraea Turbo Snail $0.90 x 5 = $4.50 - Cerith Snail...
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    How does this clean up crew sound for a 29g reef?

    yea i dont think i want to be doin that lol
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    How does this clean up crew sound for a 29g reef?

    ok so minus the urchin and the nubibranch