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    haha thats awesome thank for that sammy.
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    Seabae anemone pics?

    What do u mean by to demanding?
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    black99l's 10 gal

    i like ur tank alot.
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    if you have a puffer........

    wow that would suck pretty bad to lose a finger.
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    finally full shot of eel

    hes awesome.
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    My 1st picture

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    My New Giant

    hey fishlovr good luck with him and im still sorry about dudley i was hopin he would make it.
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    Seabae anemone pics?

    does anyone have pics of some because i am thinking of gettin one and are they hard to take care of?
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    My upgrade Pictures

    Thats an awesome tank you have goin there.
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    Fish for a 90 gal reef

    all of it sounds good but most people recommend tangs to be in a 125 or larger.
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    Sandy cloudy water, and sugestions?

    yea be patient my tank took a week for it to clear up completly.
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    8-1=8 hermit crabs!?

    yea i did the same thing i though one of mine was dead also.
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    Any Gamers on the boards?

    yea thomas i rember i used to play it with my cousin that game was pretty cool.
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    Splitting anemones?

    Thanks for showing me that.
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    Splitting anemones?

    so i guess no one has any pics?
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    oh that sucks. ive been sucking them out with an eye dropper.
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    Urchin ate Shrimp molt, is this normal?

    Yea its normal my cbs molted and the urchin ate it within like an 2 hours and after he ate it he was fine. HTH
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    so nudibranch eat flatworms?
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    Anemone id

    K thanks just wanted to make sure.