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  1. aileena

    Reef Lighting Watts per gallon

    kipass, I have no idea what "are lobophytum, sarcophyton, cladiella, sinularia, lemnalia, nepthea, dendronepthyea, and some zeniidae"???? its like me talking about res ipsa in tort law, instestancy, and res judicada... I did understand no toadstool leather... ;) the kenya tree I have is...
  2. aileena

    Reef Lighting Watts per gallon

    currently for corals I have these softies and lps hammer, kenya tree, and two different kinds of star polyps... has for sps... 1 birdsnest, 1 green pocillapora, one orange plate montip, 1 wierd acro (blue tip?), and some various digitata montips (2 kinds). I have 60g w/ remora skimmer and do...
  3. aileena

    Reef Lighting Watts per gallon

    will keep you posted...:) I remember you specifically saying that the BTA would do fine under my for the other sps corals...time will tell...but all the monti's doin great thusfar
  4. aileena

    maroon finally hosted anemone

    I know its awesome...I just have to make sure I keep the BTA well fed or the fish will become its dinner.... wish i could get a pair of maroons...
  5. aileena

    36watt UV double helix for sale

    custom sea life doublehelix 36watt UV light for pump included...only used for 3 months...I no longer need it now...still has good 6 months on the bulb alone...asking 110.00 obo +
  6. aileena

    maroon finally hosted anemone

    I have had my maroon for about a week after selling my pair of false percs. I sold them because they wouldn't hang out in the anemone. After getting the maroon it also didn't go to the anemone...This morning I wake up and to my suprise the maroon is all over the anemone... ITS AWESOME...I am...
  7. aileena

    uv sterilizers

    uv lights do make a difference on free floating algae and parasites but if the flow rate is too much then its worthless...I was using a rio800 on my 36watt double helix for the last three helps kill algae and parasites. what works well too is the use of garlic extract along with the...
  8. aileena

    Ultraviolet light filters

    a UV light needs to be replaced about every 9 months at the latest...I had my uv running for like the first 3 months of my tanks life...I just recently took it off...
  9. aileena

    Reef Lighting Watts per gallon

    I often think that there is too much ado about MH lighting and keeping certain species of corals and clams, and anemones... currently I have 4 46.5" vho bulbs on the icecap 660 ballast over a 60g...I currently have a Bubble Tip anemone, a green pocillapora, and several montiporas either plating...
  10. aileena

    fish waste, (nitrate)

    hopefully the ceriths, nassarius, brittle star, and bristleworms will do the trick, although the brittle and bristles have done nothing thusfar...
  11. aileena

    I hate stupid ignorant ASSININE people (Electric company)

    I'm not sure what state your in, but in many electric companies are often entitled to immunity...this immunity extends to situations like huge blackouts and weather and etc. your claim would raise some interesting issues...maybe a breach of contract claim and negligence. dont get too fired up...
  12. aileena

    fish waste, (nitrate)

    i dont know if i can do this but on ---- there is a auction for 20.00 + 15.00 shipping = 35.00 it includes: 35 nassarius 20 ceriths I just bid on it...hopefully for 35.00 I can solve my sand bed problems... there is also an auction for 85.00 it includes 10 Spaghetti Worms - white * 10...
  13. aileena

    fish waste, (nitrate)

    I have a 60g tank with a 4inch sand bed... its 48" long by 12" wide...obviously some of this space is covered with LR... what are cirratulid and terrebellids? I have some ceriths and plan on adding more, I am planning on getting like 50 nassarius to deal with the sand bed problem too. there is...
  14. aileena

    fish waste, (nitrate)

    I was wondering what critters you have in your DSB that keep is sparkely white? For the life of me I cannot get my dsb to cleanup...I only have 6 ceriths...I was told to add about 10 more and 20 nassarius snails too...
  15. aileena

    fish waste, (nitrate)

    I wouldn't switch to sand if I were that I have sand I am wishing I had stayed with C.C. When C.C. gets bad just vaccumm it, thats all...but when sand gets all dirty with detris and other crud you cannot vacuum it and you cannot stir it up either...all you can do is keep adding more...
  16. aileena


    I also have a BTA under vho's on a icecap 660 ballast...there are 4 46.5" bulbs...I think thats at least 440 watts... Hey do you have a pick of you BTA??? I am interested to see how it looks after a year.
  17. aileena

    sand in sand bed is grey and fish look sick

    Thanks Beth... The tank has a lot of current...two maxi 900's pointing at each other on top and then a maxi1200 and rio800 pointing toward the front of the glass....thats quite a bit of current in a 60g tank isnt it? The sand bed has a lot of brown detris and redish brown diatoms still after...
  18. aileena

    sand in sand bed is grey and fish look sick

    Beth, I did end up getting the aqua C remora w/ the prefilter box...much much better....I sold the pro for almost as much as I paid for it on I really didnt loose more than $25. About the sand bed is roughly 4 inches all the way around....when I stirred it I just hit the...
  19. aileena

    moving from a sand bed to c.c.

    I have a ton of a 60g I have two maxi 900's pointing at one another. A maxi1200 pointing toward the center of the tank and a rio 800 pointing toward the center of the tank on the other side.... I never seeded the bed with anything but LR... As far as water I use the RO water or...
  20. aileena

    Salfin Tang

    I think you would be fine with that fish...the thing with tangs however is that you will have to make sure its well fed...make sure you put lots of algae sheets for it to eat...I feed my YT mysis and flake and sheets